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  1. Top 10 Texas Weeds to Know - Native Backyards

    • Bedstraw can form a dense, tangled mat and carpet an area quickly starting mid-winter. Tiny hairs act like Velcro and stick to you (which is kind of fun to try – pull out a length of Bedstraw and stick it to your shirt … See more


    Henbit is one of the more common winter weeds I see in garden beds and lawns. Not a native plant, it was introduced in the United States in the 1700s. Its purple flowers pro… See more

    Native Backyards
    Hedge Parsley

    Hedge Parsley is known for its dainty white flowers that turn into sticky seed heads that grasp onto your socks and pants! In fact, one of its common names is “Sock Destroyer!… See more

    Native Backyards
    Sow Thistle

    This annual broadleaf weed produces yellow flowers similar to a Dandelion. However, rather than a single flower on a stem, there are several. There are different species of … See more

    Native Backyards

    Perhaps one of the most well-known broadleaf weeds, and possibly the most beloved! I have fond memories of blowing their fluffy seed heads in early summer as a kid. If you … See more

    Native Backyards
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