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- Including results for Sgi Wikipedia.Do you want results only for Sōgi wikipedia?
Sōgi - Wikipedia
Iio Sōgi, (or Inō Sōgi [1]) generally known as Sōgi (宗祇, 1421–1502), was a Japanese poet. He came from a humble family from the province of Kii or Ōmi , and died in Hakone on September …
- Estimated Reading Time: 2 mins
See results only from en.wikipedia.orgSaskatchewan Government Insurance
Saskatchewan Government Insurance (SGI) is a Canadian insurance company and a Crown corporation wholly owned by the Government of S…
Soka Gakkai International - Wikipedia
Soka Gakkai International (SGI) is an international Nichiren Buddhist organization founded in 1975 by Daisaku Ikeda, as an umbrella organization of Soka Gakkai.
It is run by two vice-presidents, including Hiromasa Ikeda, son of the founder. It claims 12 million adherents, but scholars claim the number is overestimated. …Wikipedia · Text under CC-BY-SA license- Estimated Reading Time: 10 mins
Sōgi – Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia
Sōgi (jap. 宗祇) (właściwie: Iio Sōgi) (ur. 1421 – zm. 1502) – japoński poeta, mistrz pieśni renga.. Wiadomości na temat jego wczesnego życia są niejasne. Urodzony w prowincji Kii lub Ōmi …
Silicon Graphics - Wikipedia
Silicon Graphics, Inc. (stylized as SiliconGraphics before 1999, later rebranded SGI, historically known as Silicon Graphics Computer Systems or SGCS) was an American high-performance computing manufacturer, producing computer hardware and software. Founded in Mountain View, California, in November 1981 by James H. Clark, the computer scientist and entrepreneur perhaps best kno…
Wikipedia · Text under CC-BY-SA license增基 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
增基 (日语: 増基/そうぎ Sōgi,? —? )是日本 平安時代 僧人和 歌人,為 中古三十六歌仙 之一 [1],與 藤原朝忠 和 源雅信 (或 源重信 (日语:源重信))有深交 [2]。 根據《和歌文 …
Sōgi - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Sōgi (宗祇? 1421 – Hakone, 1 de septiembre de 1502), fue un poeta japonés y monje Zen. Nació de una familia humilde de la provincia de Kii o de Ōmi; se hizo monje del templo Shokokuji en …
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創價學會 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
国际创价学会(日语: 創価学会インタナショナル ;英语:Soka Gakkai International,简称SGI)為创价学会成立的国际性伞性组织,于1975年成立,目前拥有超过一千二百万名会员, …
sōgi - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
Feb 3, 2024 · This page was last edited on 3 February 2024, at 23:53. Definitions and other text are available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional ...
Renga - Wikipedia
The most famous renga master was Sōgi (宗祇, 1421–1502), and Matsuo Bashō (松尾芭蕉, 1644–1694) after him became the most famous haikai master.
創価学会インタナショナル - Wikipedia
創価学会インタナショナル (そうかがっかいインタナショナル、 英: Soka Gakkai International, SGI)は、 創価学会 の海外組織。 宗教の布教活動が厳しく規制されている 中国 、 北朝鮮 …
SGI – Wikipedia
SGI kan syfta på: Statens geotekniska institut – statlig förvaltningsmyndighet som sedan 1944 haft övergripande ansvar för geotekniska frågor i Sverige; Sjukpenninggrundande inkomst – …
Stargate SG-1 - Wikipedia
SG-1 and a dozen other SG teams venture to distant planets using an alien portal known as a Stargate, which in the series is housed in a top-secret United States Air Force military base …
Saskatchewan Government Insurance - Wikipedia
Saskatchewan Government Insurance (SGI) is a Canadian insurance company and a Crown corporation wholly owned by the Government of Saskatchewan.
Oolite (video game) - Wikipedia
Oolite is a free and open source 3D space trading and combat simulator "in the spirit of" Elite, a similar game published in the 1980s.The name is a contraction of object oriented Elite, …
Suzu Sōgi | Narutopedia | Fandom
Suzu Sōgi (双儀すず, Sōgi Suzu) is an Academy student of Konohagakure. She is the twin sister of Ran. She is a rather curious girl, any news about her classmates picking up her interest.
シリコングラフィックス - Wikipedia
シリコングラフィックス インターナショナル (Silicon Graphics International Corp. 、略称:SGI、 NASDAQ:SGI [2])は、かつて業務用 コンピュータ の開発・製造・販売を行なっ …
硅谷图形公司 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
硅谷图形公司 (英语: Silicon Graphics, Inc.,简称: SGI,1981年11月—2006年3月8日),在 台灣 早年譯為 视算科技 、 視算電腦,是一家由 吉姆·克拉克 和 艾比·席維史東 (英 …
Wiki Inmetro
Wiki é utilizado para identificar qualquer coleção de documentos, e é esse o objetivo desta página, ser uma enciclopédia online dos sistemas (SGI, SGImóvel e Cronotacógrafo), …
Silicon Graphics – Wikipédia
A Silicon Graphics Inc. (SGI) amerikai informatikai vállalat. A céget Jim Clark amerikai vállalkozó és informatikus alapította, 1982 novemberében Kaliforniában jegyezték be, majd 1990 …
SGI - Wikipedia
Op deze pagina staat een uitleg van de verschillende betekenissen van SGI en verwijzingen daarnaartoe. Bent u hier via een pagina in Wikipedia terechtgekomen? Pas dan de verwijzing …
Silicon Graphics — Wikipédia
Silicon Graphics, Inc. (SGI) était une société américaine qui construisait des stations de travail (workstations) dédiées aux domaines de l' infographie, de la 3D, du traitement vidéo et du …
- Including results for Sgi Wikipedia.Do you want results only for Sōgi wikipedia?