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Synagogue - Wikipedia
A synagogue, also called a shul or a temple, is a place of worship for Jews and Samaritans. It has a place for prayer (the main sanctuary and sometimes smaller chapels) where Jews attend religious services or special ceremonies such as weddings, bar and bat mitzvahs, choir performances, and … See more
The Hebrew term is bet knesset (בית כנסת) or "house of assembly". The Koine Greek-derived word synagogue (συναγωγή) also means "assembly" and is commonly used in English, with its earliest mention in the 1st century See more
Name and history
The Samaritan house of worship is also called a synagogue. During the third and second centuries BCE, the Hellenistic period, the Greek word used in the Diaspora by Samaritans and Jews was the same, proseukhē See moreIn the earliest period, Jewish communal worship primarily revolved around the Temple in Jerusalem, serving as a central focal point and significant symbol for the entire Jewish nation. … See more
In the New Testament, the word appears 56 times, mostly in the Synoptic Gospels, but also in the Gospel of John (John 9:22; 18:20) … See more
Wikipedia text under CC-BY-SA license Synagogue - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A synagogue is a place where Jews meet to worship and pray to God. Learn about the history, features, and names of synagogues, and how Jews carry out the Jewish services in them.
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List of the oldest synagogues in the United States - Wikipedia
All of the oldest congregations in the new world were founded by Sephardi Jews and followed the Sephardic liturgy.
• Congregation Shearith Israel, founded in 1654, in New York City, is the oldest congregation in the United States. Its present building dates from 1896–97.
• Congregation Jeshuat Israel, founded circa 1658, in Newport, Rhode Island, is dated to sometime after the arrival of Jews in 1658 and …Wikipedia · Text under CC-BY-SA license- Estimated Reading Time: 6 mins
Maghen Abraham Synagogue - Wikipedia
The Maghen Abraham Synagogue (Arabic: كنيس ماغين أبراهام, romanized: Kanīs Mā'ghīn Abrā'hām; Hebrew: בית הכנסת מגן אברהם, romanized: Beth HaKenesset Magen Avraham) is an Orthodox …
- Estimated Reading Time: 7 mins
New Synagogue (Poznań) - Wikipedia
New Synagogue is a synagogue located in Poznań at the corner of 17 Wroniecka Street and Stawna Street, near Rabbi Akiva Eger Square [pl]. It is currently the only freestanding …
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Fifth Avenue Synagogue - Wikipedia
The synagogue was founded in 1958, by former members of Congregation Zichron Ephraim (now called Park East Synagogue) who opposed that congregation's decision to seat men and women together during …
Beth Yaacov Synagogue (Madrid) - Wikipedia
The Beth Yaacov Synagogue (Spanish: Sinagoga Beth Yaacov), also known as the Beth Jacob Synagogue or the Synagogue of Madrid, is a Jewish congregation and synagogue, located at …
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Ohr ha-Chaim Synagogue - Wikipedia
The Ohr ha-Chaim Synagogue (Hebrew: בית הכנסת אור החיים), is a Kabbalistic Jewish congregation and synagogue, located on Ohr ha-Chaim Street, in the Jewish Quarter of the …
Cardiff United Synagogue - Wikipedia
The Cardiff United Synagogue, also called the Cardiff Shul, is an Orthodox Jewish synagogue, located in Cyncoed Gardens, in the Cyncoed suburb of Cardiff, Wales, in the United Kingdom. …
Great Synagogue (Copenhagen) - Wikipedia
The Great Synagogue is an Orthodox Jewish congregation and synagogue, located at Krystalgade 12, in Copenhagen, Denmark. The congregation was formed at some stage …
Synagogue of Santa María la Blanca - Wikipedia
The Synagogue of Santa María la Blanca (Spanish: Sinagoga de Santa María La Blanca, lit. 'Synagogue of Saint Mary the White'), also known as the Ibn Shoshan Synagogue, [3] [4] is a …
New York City synagogue tunnel incident - Wikipedia
On January 8, 2024, clashes broke out at the World Headquarters of the Chabad-Lubavitch movement, a synagogue located at 770 Eastern Parkway in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, as …
Synagoge – Wikipedia
Eine Synagoge (von altgriechisch συναγωγή synagōgē, „Versammlung“) ist ein Gebäude, das der Versammlung, dem gemeinsamen Gottesdienst und oft auch als Lehrhaus einer jüdischen …
Synagoge Augsburg – Wikipedia
Die Augsburger Synagoge dient als Kultuszentrum für die jüdische Gemeinde in Augsburg. So feiert die Israelitische Kultusgemeinde Schwaben-Augsburg dort jeden Freitagabend und …
Synagogue de Corfou — Wikipédia
La synagogue de la congrégation grecque est de style vénitien et date probablement du XVII e siècle [5]. C'est une grande structure dépourvue de piliers sur les côtés. Elle contient un beau …
Sinagoga - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Una sinagoga es un lugar de culto judío. El término proviene del latín sinagōga, y este del griego s nagōgē, del verbo s nágein ('reunir, congregar'). En hebreo se llama Bet haKenéset (בית …
シナゴーグ - Wikipedia
シナゴーグ (ヘブライ語 : בית כנסת[1] 、 イディッシュ語 : שול [2] 、 英 : synagogue 、 独 : Synagoge 、 蘭 : synagoge 、 ハンガリー語 : zsinagóga)は、 ユダヤ教 の会堂のことである …
Synagogue Kahal Shalom — Wikipédia
La synagogue de Kahal Shalom est achevée en 1577 (5338 dans le calendrier hébraïque) et est utilisée depuis lors. La synagogue et ses fidèles ont prospéré sous la domination ottomane …
Synagoge - Wikipedia
Een synagoge (Oudgrieks: συναγωγή voor huis van samenkomst; Hebreeuws: בית כנסת', Beit Knesset of Beis Knesses) is in het jodendom een gebeds- en gemeenschapshuis, waar …
Synagogue de Hochfelden — Wikipédia
André-Marc Haarscher, « Fondation d'une synagogue à Hochfelden (1738) », in Almanach du Keren Kayemeth Leisrael, 1998, p. 21-23 André-Marc Haarscher, « Inauguration d'un seffer …
Synagogue de Nördlingen (1886-1938) — Wikipédia
La synagogue à la fin du XIX e siècle. Nördlingen est une ville de Bavière dans l'arrondissement de Danube-Ries. Elle compte actuellement un peu plus de 21 000 habitants. ... Wikipedia® est …
Can a grand 1,600-year-old synagogue rewrite the history of …
6 days ago · Magness and her team began excavating the site in 2011 and continued for 11 seasons, concluding their fieldwork in 2023. They uncovered an impressive Galilean-type …
Synagogue de Tarnowskie Góry (1864-1939) — Wikipédia
La synagogue de Tarnowskie Góry ou synagogue de Tarnowitz est la synagogue de Tarnowskie Góry inaugurée en 1864 et incendiée par les Allemands en 1939 pendant la Seconde Guerre …