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  1. AreaApproximately 500 ha (1,200 acres)
    BuilderAchaean and Troezenian colonists

    The city was situated close to the sea and lay between the Crathis and Sybaris rivers (from which the city derives its name). Most modern research places the city on a coastal ridge near a wetland lagoon. The rivers are n… See more


    Sybaris was founded in 720 BC by Is [sic] of Helice, a city in Achaea in the northern Peloponnese. The Achaeans were accompanied by a number of Troezenians who were eventually expelled by the more numerous … See more


    The location of the city which had been buried over time by more than 6 m of alluvial sediment from the Crati river was found only after a massive core drilling project from the early 1960s. It also lies below pres… See more

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