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  1.  The Secret of Metals
    The Secret of Metals
    Smelting is a process of applying heat to an ore, to extract a base metal. It is a form of extractive metallurgy, and it is used to produce many metals, such as silver, iron, copper, and others.

    Of the seven metals known in antiquity, only gold regularly occurs in nature as a native metal. The others – copper, lead, silver, tin, iron, and mercury – occur primarily as minerals, although native copper is occasionall… See more

    Environmental and occupational health impacts

    Smelting has serious effects on the environment, producing wastewater and slag and releasing such toxic metals as copper, silver, iron, cobalt, and selenium into the atmosphere. Smelters also release gaseous … See more

    See also

    Cast iron
    Ellingham diagram, useful in predicting the conditions under which an ore reduces to its metal
    Copper extraction techniquesSee more


    • Pleiner, R. (2000) Iron in Archaeology. The European Bloomery Smelters, Praha, Archeologický Ústav Av Cr.
    • Veldhuijzen, H.A. (2005) Technical Ceramics in Early Iron Smelting. The Role of Ceramics in the Early First … See more

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