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  1. Humour

    The rules of satire are such that it must do more than make you laugh. No matter how amusing it is, it doesn't count unless you find yourself wincing a little even as you chuckle.
    Laughter is … See more

    Social and psychological functions

    Satire and irony in some cases have been regarded as the most effective source to understand a society, the oldest form of social study. They provide the keenest insights into a group's collective psyche, reveal its d… See more


    Satire is a diverse genre which is complex to classify and define, with a wide range of satiric "modes".
    Satirical literature can commonly be categorized as either Horatian, Juvenalian, or … See more


    One of the earliest examples of what might be called satire, The Satire of the Trades, is in Egyptian writing from the beginning of the 2nd millennium BC. The text's apparent readers are students, tired of studying. It argues tha… See more


    Literary satire is usually written out of earlier satiric works, reprising previous conventions, commonplaces, stance, situations and tones of voice. Exaggeration is one of the most common satirical techniques… See more

    Legal status

    For its nature and social role, satire has enjoyed in many societies a special freedom license to mock prominent individuals and institutions. In Germany, Japan, and Italy satire is protected by the constitution. … See more

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