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Sargon II - Wikipedia
Sargon II (Neo-Assyrian Akkadian: 𒈗𒁺, romanized: Šarru-kīn, meaning "the faithful king" or "the legitimate king") was the king of the Neo-Assyrian Empire from 722 BC to his death in battle in 705. Probably the son of Tiglath-Pileser III (r. 745–727), Sargon is generally believed to have become king after … See more
Ancestry and rise to the throne
Nothing is known of Sargon II's life before he became king. He was probably born c. 770 BC and cannot have been born later than c. 760 BC. His … See moreIn addition to Shalmaneser V probably being Sargon's brother, Sargon had a younger brother, Sin-ahu-usur (Sîn-ahu-usur), who was by 714 the commander of Sargon's royal … See more
Sargon II was a warrior-king and conqueror who commanded his armies in person and dreamt of … See moreThe Sargon Stele from Cyprus gives Sargon the following titles:
Sargon, the great king, the mighty king, king of the universe, … See moreEarly reign and rebellions
Sargon's reign began with large-scale resistance against his rule in Assyria's heartland. Although quickly suppressed, this political instability led several peripheral regions to regain independence. In … See moreSargon forgotten
Sargon's legacy in ancient Assyria was severely damaged by the manner of his death; in particular, … See moreWikipedia text under CC-BY-SA license Sargón II - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Sargón II (en acadio: ; Šarru-kīn) fue rey de Asiria entre los años 722 a. C. y 705 a. C.. Recibió el trono de Salmanasar V en el 722 a. C. No está claro si fue hijo de Tiglatpileser III o un usurpador del trono ajeno a la familia real.
En idioma siríaco, su nombre era ܣܪܓܘܢ.Wikipedia · Text under CC-BY-SA license- Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins
Sargon II | Biography & Facts | Britannica
Sargon II (died 705 bce) was one of Assyria’s great kings (reigned 721–705 bce) during the last century of its history. He extended and consolidated the conquests of his presumed father, Tiglath-pileser III.
Dur-Sharrukin - Wikipedia
Dur-Sharrukin (Neo-Assyrian Akkadian: 𒂦𒈗𒁺, romanized: Dūr Šarru-kīn, "Fortress of Sargon"; Arabic: دور شروكين, Syriac: ܕܘܪ ܫܪܘ ܘܟܢ), present day …
- Estimated Reading Time: 9 mins
Sargon II - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Shalmaneser V died in 722 BC. From then on, Sargon II was the only ruler of Assyria. It is not clear if he was the son of Tiglath-Pileser III or a usurper unrelated to the royal family. In his …
- Estimated Reading Time: 3 mins
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Sargon II - World History Encyclopedia
Jul 3, 2014 · Sargon II (r. 722-705 BCE) was the founder of the Sargonid Dynasty of the Neo-Assyrian Empire, considered the greatest of its kings, who brought the empire to its height.
Sargon II - Wikipedia
Sargon II (in accadico Šarru-ukīn 𒈗𒄀𒈾 LUGAL-GI.NA) (fl. VIII secolo a.C.) è stato un re degli Assiri. Regnò dal 721 al 705 a.C. Succedette a Salmanassar V nel 721 a.C.. Non è chiaro se …
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Lamassu - Wikipedia
In the palace of Sargon II at Dur-Sharrukin, a group of at least seven lamassu and two such heroes with lions surrounded the entrance to the "throne room", "a concentration of figures which produced an overwhelming impression of …
Sargon II: An Archaeological Biography - Bible …
Feb 22, 2024 · Sargon may have come to power as the result of a rebellion against his predecessor, Shalmaneser V. He took the throne name Sargon (lit. “legitimate king”), no doubt hoping to reign in the tradition of the great Sargon, …
Šarru-kīn II. – Wikipedia
Šarru-kīn II., biblisch auch Sargon II. war von 721 bis 705 v. Chr. König des neuassyrischen Reiches und Namensgeber der Sargoniden -Dynastie.
80. The Wall of Khorsabad - mercurialpathways.com
Oct 29, 2024 · The ancient city wall of Khorsabad, or Dūr-Šarru-ukīn / Dûr-Sharrukîn as it was known when it was inhabited, was built by Sargon II. Its measurements may encode more than …
Sargon II [CDLI Wiki]
An equally troubling development for Sargon was the takeover of the Babylonian throne by the rebel Marduk-apli-iddina II of the Chaldean tribe Bit Yakin (Merodach-Baladan of biblical …
The Ten Lost Tribes - Biblical Archaeology Society
Dec 4, 2024 · In what was a culmination of more than a century-long confrontation between Israel and Assyria, King Sargon II captured the capital city of Samaria in 721 BCE and exiled …
Sargon II. – Wikipedie
Sargon II. Asyrský neboli Šarru-kin II. (asyrsky Šarrum-ken – Pravý vládce) byl asyrský král, který vládl v letech 722–705 př. n. l. O jeho původu nic nevíme, trůnu se zmocnil v roce 722 př. n. l. …
Biografia de Sargon II Rey Asirio - Historia Argentina y Universal
Sargón II fue el rey de Asiria. Recibió el trono de Salmanasar V en el 722 a. C. No está claro si fue hijo de Tiglatpileser III o un usurpador del trono ajeno a la familia real.
Foreign Chariotry and Cavalry in the Armies of Tiglath-Pileser III …
Dec 17, 2022 · Wikipedia has entries about Assyrian rulers Tiglath-Pileser III (744-727) and Sargon II (721-705). "The purpose of this paper is to present several pieces of evidence …
Sargon II [CDLI Wiki]
palûs of Sargon II ... From Fuchs A., Die Annalen des Jahres 711 v. Chr., SAAS VIII,p. 83.
The Royal Inscriptions of Sargon II - LMU
This paper serves as an at-a-glance Akkadian glossary of the complete corpus of royal inscriptions of the eighth-century-BCE Assyrian king Sargon II (r. 721–705 BCE), which was …
Palace of Sargon - (Intro to Art) - Fiveable
The Palace of Sargon, also known as the Palace of Sargon II, was an ancient royal residence located in the city of Dur-Sharrukin, which was the capital of the Assyrian Empire during the …
Dur Sharrukin - Wikimedia Commons
5 days ago · Dur Sharrukin is an ancient city of Assyria, now Khorsabad in Iraq. The ruins of king Sargon II 's city and palace were excavated there in the 1840s by the French consul at Mossul, …