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Jiangxi Soviet - Wikipedia
- On November 7, 1931, on the anniversary of the 1917 Russian Bolshevik Revolution, the Soviet Union helped organize a National Soviet People's Delegates Conference in Ruijin (瑞金), Jiangxi province. Ruijin was the county seat and was selected as the capital of the new Soviet republic. The "Chinese Soviet Republic" (Chinese: 中華蘇維埃共和國) was born, though...
Ruijin – Travel guide at Wikivoyage
Ruijin (瑞金市) is a small town in southeastern China in Jiangxi Province. It was the site of Mao Zedong's guerrilla insurgency from 1930–1934, and it is here that the Long March began in …
- Estimated Reading Time: 2 mins
Ruijin Massacre - Wikipedia
The Ruijin Massacre (simplified Chinese: 瑞金大屠杀; traditional Chinese: 瑞金大屠殺) was a series of massacres that took place in Ruijin and nearby counties in Jiangxi Province during …
- Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins
Ruijin - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Ruijin es un lugar destacado en la historia contemporánea de China por haber sido la capital de la República Soviética de China, o Sóviet de Jiangxi, el embrión de estado socialista formado …
- Estimated Reading Time: 1 min
瑞金市 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
瑞金市 是位于 中华人民共和国 江西省 东南部的一个 县级市,现为 省直管县 、位於江西省南部,武夷山脈南段西麓,贛江東源,貢水上游。 東與福建省長汀縣交界,南與會昌縣毗鄰,西 …
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Ruijin - Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas
Ruijin (Hanzi: 瑞金; Pinyin: Ruìjīn) adalah kota setingkat county di Provinsi Ganzhou, berlokasi di pegunungan yang berbatasan dengan Provinsi Fujian, di bagian tenggara Provinsi Jiangxi. …
Ruijin — Wikipédia
Ruijin (en chinois : 瑞金 ; pinyin : Ruìjīn) est une ville de la province du Jiangxi en Chine. C'est une ville-district placée sous la juridiction de la ville-préfecture de Ganzhou. Le 7 novembre …
Central Huijin Investment - Wikipedia
Central Huijin Investment Ltd. is a Chinese sovereign fund company under the China Investment Corporation owned by the State Council of China. Established in 2003 by the People's Bank of …
Ganzhou - Wikipedia
Ganzhou (Chinese: 赣州; pinyin: Gànzhōu), alternately romanized as Kanchow, is a prefecture-level city in the south of Jiangxi province, China, bordering Fujian to the east, Guangdong to …
Ganzhou – Wikipedia
Stadt Ruijin (瑞金市), 2.448 km², 618.885 Einwohner. Zwischen 1929 und 1934 war Ganzhou ein Teil des Jiangxi-Sowjet, eine der Basen der Kommunistischen Partei Chinas. Wegen der Nähe …
2023 Singapore money laundering case - Wikipedia
30 April 2024-45-year-old Zhang Ruijin pleaded guilty to one money laundering charge and two forgery charges. He was sentenced to 15 months in jail and also forfeited assets worth over …
Ruijin - Wikidata
Ruijin (Q113511051) From Wikidata. Jump to navigation Jump to search. No description defined. edit. Language Label Description Also known as; English: Ruijin. No description defined. …
Zhang Rujing - Wikipedia
Zhang Rujing (traditional Chinese: 張汝京; simplified Chinese: 张汝京; pinyin: Zhāng Rǔjīng), alternatively known as Richard Chang Ru-gin, is a Taiwanese businessman and entrepreneur …
Ruijin – Wikipedia
Die Stadt Ruijin (chinesisch 瑞金市, Pinyin Ruìjīn Shì) ist eine kreisfreie Stadt der bezirksfreien Stadt Ganzhou in der Provinz Jiangxi der Volksrepublik China. Sie hat eine Fläche von 2.448 …
上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院,简称 瑞金医院,是位于 中国 上海市 黄浦区 瑞金二路 197号的一所 三级甲等医院。 瑞金医院原址为 广慈医院 (法語: Hôpital Sainte Marie;英語: St. …
Roujin Z - Wikipedia
Rōjin Z (老人Z?, Rōjin Z) è un film d'animazione del 1991 diretto da Hiroyuki Kitakubo. Dallo stesso soggetto è stato realizzato anche un manga, ZeD, disegnato da Tai Okada. [1] . La …
瑞金概况 | 瑞金市人民政府 - ruijin.gov.cn
瑞金位于江西省东南边陲,因“掘地得金、金为瑞”而得名。 唐天祐元年(904年)置瑞金监,南唐保大十一年(953年)升监为县,至今有一千多年历史。 1931年11月——1934年10月为苏维 …
Fūjin - Wikipedia
"Heavenly Wind"), sometimes also known as Ryobu, is the Japanese god of the wind and one of the eldest Shinto and Buddhism gods. [1][2] He is portrayed as a terrifying wizardly demon, …
瑞金新闻-瑞金网 - ruijin.com
1全省唯一!瑞金入选. 1公告!瑞金这个项目预计投资约22.5亿元. 1瑞金调换这4个红绿灯路口交通信号. 1这所“双一流”大学向瑞金一中授牌!. 1征集意见建议!瑞金市公安局最新公告! 1瑞金 …