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Rocaille - Wikipedia
Rocaille was a French style of exuberant decoration, with an abundance of curves, counter-curves, undulations and elements modeled on nature, that appeared in furniture and interior decoration during the early reign of Louis XV of France. It was a reaction against the heaviness and formality of the Louis XIV … See more
Rocaille was exuberant and inspired by nature like Rococo, but, unlike Rococo, it was usually symmetrical and not overloaded with decoration. It took its name from the mixture of rock, seashell and plaster that … See more
Besides its use in furniture, the style appeared in porcelain and metalwork. In 1738, the Manufacture de Vincennes was founded thanks to the support of Louis XV and See more
• De Morant, Henry (1970). Histoire des arts décoratifs (in French). Librarie Hachette.
• Ducher, … See moreRocaille decoration was heavily loaded with decoration modeled on seashells, cascades of leaves and flowers, palm leaves, and other … See more
The Rocaille influenced the Chippendale style in England, and the work of the Belgian-born Bavarian decorative artist François de Cuvilliés. … See more
Wikipedia text under CC-BY-SA license Seed bead - Wikipedia
Before World War II, there was a thriving bead industry centered in eastern Europe, especially in Bohemia, before 1918 a part of the Austro-Hungarian empire and a part of the Republic of Czechoslovakia after, although Germany, Italy and France were also noted producers of glass beads. Most of these beads were made of glass, but some were made of metal, usually aluminum or steel…
Wikipedia · Text under CC-BY-SA license- Estimated Reading Time: 8 mins
Rocaille | Description, History, & Facts | Britannica
Rocaille, 18th-century ornamentation featuring elaborately stylized shell-like, rocklike, and scroll motifs in Western architecture and decorative arts.
Rococo - Wikipedia
It is often described as the final expression of the Baroque movement. [1] The Rococo style began in France in the 1730s …
- Estimated Reading Time: 2 mins
Rocaille (Fabergé egg) - Wikipedia
The Rocaille egg is one of the Fabergé eggs created in the workshop of Peter Carl Fabergé for the wealthy Russian industrialist Alexander Kelch who presented it to his wife as an Easter gift …
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Rocaille – Wikipedia
Rocaille (franska) är i arkitekturen en konstgjord klippformation av sten eller murbruk med koraller, musslor, snäckor m.m. som prydnader, använd som dekoration bland annat i italiensk …
Rocaille - Wikipedia
Rocaille (pronunție românească [rocai], pronunție franceză [ʁɔkɑj]) este un stil francez de ornamentare exuberantă, cu o abundență de curbe, controcurbe, ondulații, volute și …
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Rococo — Wikipédia
Le rococo, ou style rocaille en France, est un mouvement artistique européen du XVIII e siècle touchant l’architecture, les arts décoratifs, la peinture et la sculpture. Il se développe de 1715 à 1780 en France et ensuite dans le Saint-Empire …
Rocaille – Wikipédia
Szűkebb értelemben épületek, tárgyak díszítésére használt, kagylóra emlékeztető dekoráció. Tágabb értelemben így hívják a különféle, XV. Lajos idejében divatossá vált, kagylós, …
Rocaille – Vikipeedia
Rocaille ([ʁɔ.kaj]; prantsuse keelest rocaille = meri- ja jõekarpidest kaunistus, millega kaunistati grotte ja aedu; roche 'kaljurahn') ehk orvand on C- või S-kujuline, peenelt liigendatud …
Category : Rocaille - Wikimedia
English: Rocaille is an element of Rococo design. The word Rococo is seen as a combination of the French rocaille, meaning stone, and coquilles, meaning shell, due to reliance on these …
Rocaille | Article about Rocaille by The Free Dictionary
rocaille An ornament, usually asymmetrical, consisting of rock, plant, and shell forms in combination with artificial forms; widely used during the 18th century when Rococo was popular.
Rocaille Definition & Meaning - YourDictionary
Rocaille definition: A style of decorative art associated with the rococo and characterized by intricate rock, shell, and scroll motifs.
rocaille - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
Jun 2, 2024 · rocaille (countable and uncountable, plural rocailles) Artificial rockwork made of rough stones and cement, as for gardens. The rococo system of scroll ornament, based in part …
Rocaille - Encyclopedia.com
May 23, 2018 · Rocaille. 1. System of decoration derived from rock-work, ornamented with pebbles and shells found in follies and, especially, grottoes, often associated with water, …
Rocaille – Antique Jewelry University
A rocaille is a rococo design ornament in the form of irregular wavy and rocky surfaces resembling seafoams and shell embedded rocks. Often rococo artifacts can be identified by the …
Rocaille - Wikiwand
Rocaille ( US: / roʊˈkaɪ, rɒˈkaɪ / ro (h)-KY, French: [ ʁɔkɑj]) was a French style of exuberant decoration, with an abundance of curves, counter-curves, undulations and elements modeled …
Rocailles Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of ROCAILLE is a style of ornament developed in the 18th century and characterized by sinuous foliate forms.
Rocaille, the history of an ornament - Galerie Atena - Atena Gallery
Jan 25, 2021 · This article traces the history of rocaille ornamentation and its evolution through the 18th and 19th centuries. Defeated by neoclassicism at the end of the 18th century, rocaille …
Rococo - Wikipedia
Rococo este un stil arhitectural, decorativ, artistic și de design interior care a fost generat în Franța secolului al XVIII-lea, dar care s-a răspândit ulterior în întreaga Europă și apoi în cele …
Rocaille — Wikipedia Republished // WIKI 2
Rocaille (US: /roʊˈkaɪ, rɒˈkaɪ/ ro(h)-KY, French: [ʁɔkɑj]) was a French style of exuberant decoration, with an abundance of curves, counter-curves, undulations and elements modeled …