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Roald Amundsen - Simple English Wikipedia, the free …
Roald Amundsen was a Norwegian explorer who focused on the poles. He led the first expedition to reach the South Pole and the first that could prove it made it …
- Estimated Reading Time: 2 mins
Roald Amundsen | Biography, Facts, Expeditions, …
Jan 15, 2025 · Roald Amundsen, a Norwegian explorer, was one of the greatest figures in the field of polar exploration. He was the first explorer to transit the …
Roald Amundsen – Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia
Roald Engelbregt Gravning Amundsen (ur.16 lipca 1872 w Borge w Norwegii, zaginął 18 czerwca 1928 na Morzu Barentsa) – norwesko-duński badacz polarny, pierwszy zdobywca bieguna …
- Estimated Reading Time: 12 mins
Roald Amundsen – Wikipedija
Roald Engelbregt Graving Amundsen (općina Borge, danas Fredrikstad u Østfoldu, 16. srpnja 1872. – nestao, vjerojatno 18. lipnja 1928.), norveški istraživač polarnih predjela. Nadahnut …
- Estimated Reading Time: 8 mins
Polheim - Wikipedia
Fram's flag, hoisted beneath the Norwegian flag atop the Polheim tent. [2]At the first estimated position of the South Pole, Amundsen declared "So we plant you, dear flag, on the South Pole, …
Roald Amundsen – Wikipedia tiếng Việt
Roald Engebreth Gravning Amundsen (16 tháng 7 năm 1872 - tháng 6 năm 1928) là một nhà thám hiểm người Na Uy. Ông dẫn đầu cuộc thám hiểm Nam Cực thành công đầu tiên vào …
Roald Amundsen Biography - Facts, Childhood, …
Roald Engelbregt Gravning Amundsen was a Norwegian explorer who became the first man to reach the South Pole when he successfully led an Antarctic expedition to the dangerous terrain on which no man had set foot previously.
Roald Amundsen - Wikipedia
Roald Engelbregt Gravning Amundsen (n. 16 iulie 1872, Comuna Borge (d), Østfold, Norvegia – d. 18 iunie 1928, Oceanul Arctic, apele internaționale) [21] a fost un explorator norvegian al zonelor polare. A fost primul om care a ajuns la …
Timeline: The life of Roald Amundsen - MiA
Roald Engebreth Gravning Amundsen is born 16 July. After a couple of months, the family moves from “Tomta” in Borge (Østfold) to Christiania (Oslo). Roald Amundsen grows up together with his older brothers Leon, Gustav and Tonni …
Амундсен, Руаль — Википедия
Ру́аль Э́нгельбрегт Гра́внинг А́мундсен (норв. Roald Engelbregt Gravning Amundsen; 16 июля 1872 — 18 июня 1928) — норвежский полярный путешественник-исследователь и рекордсмен, «Наполеон полярных …
Roald Amundsen Biography - Norwegian Explorer
Roald Amundsen was a Norwegian explorer best known for his missions in the south and north Polar Regions. He was the first man to reach the South Pole and a first man to reach both …
Roald Amundsen Led the First Successful Expedition to the …
Dec 10, 2020 · In 1911, Roald Amundsen and his crew of explorers became the first people to reach the South Pole. Discover how they braved tough conditions to achieve this historic first.
Roald Amundsen - Wikipedia
Roald Amundsen (Norwegian: [ˈɾuːɑl ˈɑmʉnsən]; 16 Julie 1872 – c. 18 Juin 1928) wis a Norse chiel that splored the Airctic an the Antairtic. Amundsen wis born on 16 Julie 1872 an dee'd on …
NSF Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station
NSF Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station is the southernmost year-round research station in the world, ... Named after Roald Amundsen, the first to reach the South Pole in December 1911, …
Amundsen, Roald (1872-1928) - FRAM
Learn about the life and achievements of Roald Amundsen, the first to navigate the Northwest Passage, reach the South Pole, and fly across the Arctic Ocean. Read his biography, …
Roald Amundsen - Wikipedia
Roald amundsen (16 de xunetu de 1872, Borge (es) – probablemente 18 de xunu de 1928, Océanu Glacial Árticu) foi un esplorador noruegu. La so primera estancia nel Árticu foi en …
Roald Amundsen - Encyclopedia Westarctica
As the leader of the Antarctic expedition of 1910–12, which was the first to reach the South Pole, on 14 December 1911, he was a key expedition leader during the Heroic Age of Antarctic …
Roald Amundsen – Wikipedia
Roald Amundsen (1920) Roald Engelbregt Gravning Amundsen (* 16.Juli 1872 in Borge, Norwegen; † vermutlich 18. Juni 1928 nahe der Bäreninsel) war ein norwegischer Seemann …
Roald Amundsen – Wikipedia
Roald Engelbregt Gravning Amundsen (norj. /ˈɾuːɑl ˈɑmʉnsən/ kuuntele ääntämys (ohje); 16. heinäkuuta 1872 Borge, Norja – kadonnut 18. kesäkuuta 1928 Barentsinmeri) [1] oli norjalainen …
Roald Amundsen – Wikipedia
Roald Amundsen var en norsk polfarar som nådde Sørpolen først og funne nordvestpassasjen. Han var også en pioner i luftfart og rekke ut Nordpolen med flyet «Norge».
Roald Amundsen - Wikipedia
Roald Engelbregt Gravning Amundsen (16. juli 1872 - 18. juni 1928) je bio norveški istraživač sjevernih i južnih polarnih oblasti. Od 1910. do 1912. vodio je ekspediciju na Antarktik i bio je …