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- Stack that parametrizes equivariant objectsIn algebraic geometry, a quotient stack is a stack that parametrizes equivariant objects. Geometrically, it generalizes a quotient of a scheme or a variety by a group: a quotient variety, say, would be a coarse approximation of a quotient stack.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quotient_stack
Stack (mathematics) - Wikipedia
In mathematics a stack or 2-sheaf is, roughly speaking, a sheaf that takes values in categories rather than sets. Stacks are used to formalise some of the main constructions of descent …
- Estimated Reading Time: 11 mins
Quotient space of an algebraic stack - Wikipedia
In algebraic geometry, the quotient space of an algebraic stack F, denoted by |F|, is a topological space which as a set is the set of all integral substacks of F and which then is given a "Zariski …
- Estimated Reading Time: 1 min
quotient stack in nLab
Jun 1, 2023 · The quotient stack of the action of G G on X X is a stack đť’ź \mathcal{D} equipped with a principal G G-bundle of stacks X ̲ → đť’ź \underline{X}\rightarrow \mathcal{D} such that any …
Subsection 112.5.4 (04UZ): Quotient stacks—The Stacks project
A stack-theoretic proof of Luna's étale slice theorem is presented proving that for stacks $\mathcal{X} = [\mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(A)/G]$ with $G$ linearly reductive, then étale locally …
Quotient of a quotient stack: interesting examples?
Feb 9, 2022 · This comes (by ``looping") from an action of a 2-group (or group-stack) $BJ$ on the stack $V/G$, and the quotient is an honest 2-stack.
basic question on quotient stacks Feb 12, 2020 Motivation for definition of Quotient stack Dec 18, 2018 - People also ask
Section 78.20 (044O): Quotient stacks—The Stacks project
The quotient stack \[ p : [U/R] \longrightarrow (\mathit{Sch}/S)_{fppf} \] of $(U, R, s, t, c)$ is the stackification (see Stacks, Lemma 8.9.1 ) of the category fibred in groupoids $[U/_{\! p}R]$ …
Differentiable stack - Wikipedia
A differentiable stack is the analogue in differential geometry of an algebraic stack in algebraic geometry. It can be described either as a stack over differentiable manifolds which admits an …
Euler characteristics of quotient stack/orbifold
Mar 8, 2022 · Consider the quotient stack $[X/G]$ for $G$ a finite group. This is a Deligne--Mumford stack. Is there a definition of a version of euler characteristic of DM stacks so that $$...
Understanding the quotient (pre)stack Jul 19, 2022 Relation between quotient stacks and quotient sheaves Jun 6, 2021 Quotient Stacks and Torsors Dec 17, 2020 Reference for quotient stacks Dec 4, 2020 Glossary of algebraic geometry - Wikipedia
quotient stack Usually denoted by [X/G], a quotient stack generalizes a quotient of a scheme or variety.
Section 97.18 (06PI): When is a quotient stack algebraic?—The …
The quotient stack $[X/G]$ is an algebraic stack if and only if there exists a morphism of algebraic spaces $\varphi : X' \to X$ such that $G \times _ B X' \to X$, $(g, x') \mapsto a(g, \varphi (x'))$ …
Chow group of a stack - Wikipedia
In algebraic geometry, the Chow group of a stack is a generalization of the Chow group of a variety or scheme to stacks. For a quotient stack = [/], the Chow group of X is the same as the …
Algebraic stack - Wikipedia
In mathematics, an algebraic stack is a vast generalization of algebraic spaces, or schemes, which are foundational for studying moduli theory.
Section 95.13 (04UI): Quotient stacks—The Stacks project
A special case of the construction above is the quotient stack \[ [X/G] \longrightarrow (\mathit{Sch}/S)_{fppf} \] associated to a datum $(B, G/B, m, X/B, a)$.
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