Precision (information retrieval) wikipedia - Search
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  1. Introduction

    In a classification task, the precision for a class is the number of true positives (i.e. the number of items correctly labelled as belonging to the positive class) divided by the total number of elements labelled as belonging t… See more


    For classification tasks, the terms true positives, true negatives, false positives, and false negatives compare the results of the classifier under test with trusted external judgments. The terms positive and negative ref… See more

    Imbalanced data

    Accuracy can be a misleading metric for imbalanced data sets. Consider a sample with 95 negative and 5 positive values. Classifying all values as negative in this case gives 0.95 accuracy score. There are many metri… See more


    A measure that combines precision and recall is the harmonic mean of precision and recall, the traditional F-measure or balanced F-score:
    This measure is approximately the average of the two … See more

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