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Portulacaceae - Wikipedia
The Portulacaceae are a family of flowering plants, comprising 115 species in a single genus Portulaca. Formerly some 20 genera with about 500 species, were placed there, but it is now restricted to encompass only one genus, the other genera being placed elsewhere. The family has been recognised by … See more
Common purslane (Portulaca oleracea) is widely consumed as an edible plant, and in some areas it is invasive. Portulaca grandiflora is a well-known ornamental garden plant. … See more
Wikipedia text under CC-BY-SA license Portulaca - Wikipedia
Portulaca is a genus of flowering plants in the family Portulacaceae, and is the type genus of the family. With over 100 species, it is found in the tropics and warm temperate regions. Portulacas are also known as the purslanes.
Common purslane (Portulaca oleracea) is widely consumed as an edible plant, and in some areas it is invasive. Portulaca grandiflora is a well-known ornamen…Wikipedia · Text under CC-BY-SA licensePortulaca grandiflora - Wikipedia
Portulaca grandiflora is a succulent flowering plant in the purslane family Portulacaceae, native to southern Brazil, Argentina, and Uruguay and often …
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Portulacaceae - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Portulacaceae is a family of flowering plants, comprising about 20 genera with about 500 species, ranging from herbaceous plants to shrubs.
Portulacaceae | Succulent, Edible, Perennial | Britannica
Portulacaceae, the purslane family of flowering plants, in the order Caryophyllales, with about 15 genera and 500 species of herbs or small …
Portulacaceae — Wikipédia
La famille des Portulacaceae (Portulacées) regroupe des plantes dicotylédones ; elle comprend 500 espèces réparties en 19 à 21 genres. L'origine du nom est à chercher du côté du latin …
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Portulacaceae - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Portulacaceae es una familia de plantas fanerógamas, con cerca de 20 géneros y 500 especies, desde herbáceas a arbustos, reconocida por la mayoría de los taxónomos.
Portulaca - Wikipedia
Il genere Portulaca è attualmente l'unico genere della famiglia Portulacaeae. In passato la famiglia comprendeva anche i seguenti generi: Calandrinia, Calyptridium, Cistanthe, Claytonia, …
purslane family (Family Portulacaceae) · iNaturalist
The Portulacaceae are a family of flowering plants, comprising 115 species in a single genus Portulaca. Formerly some 20 genera with about 500 species, were placed there, but it is now restricted to encompass only one genus, the other …
Portulaca oleracea - Wikipedia
Portulaca oleracea (common purslane, also known as little hogweed, or pursley) [3] is a succulent plant in the family Portulacaceae. The plant may reach 40 centimetres (16 inches) in height. It has smooth, reddish, mostly prostrate …
Portulak (Gattung) – Wikipedia
Portulak (Portulaca) ist die einzige Pflanzengattung der Familie der Portulakgewächse (Portulacaceae) in der Ordnung der Nelkenartigen (Caryophyllales) innerhalb der …
29 Different Types of Portulaca Varieties - Balcony Garden Web
Jul 16, 2024 · There are widely three main categories of Portulaca that you find around you: Family: Portulacaceae. Native: Argentina, Uruguay, southern Brazil. Portulaca Grandiflora …
Портулаковые — Википедия
Портула́ковые — семейство двудольных растений. Единственный род — Портулак.
Portulacineae - Wikipedia
Portulacineae is a suborder of flowering plants in the order Caryophyllales comprising the families Anacampserotaceae, Basellaceae, Cactaceae (cacti), Didiereaceae, Halophytaceae, …
Portulaca oleracea — common purslane - Go Botany
Reportedly, purslane has more omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants than any other food. It has long been used as an animal fodder, and it can lower cholesterol levels in chicken eggs. …
Flora of Zambia: Family page: Portulacaceae
Ovary superior or half-inferior (Portulaca), 1-locular. Fruit a capsule. Worldwide: 32 genera and 380 species, cosmopolitan, with the highest concentration of species in arid areas of the …
Portulaca quadrifida - Wikipedia
Portulaca quadrifida, known as pusley, wild purslane, chicken weed (or chickenweed), single‑flowered purslane, small‑leaved purslane and 10 o'clock plant, is a species of flowering …
Portulacaceae in Flora of North America @ efloras.org
The eastern New World species of Portulacaceae seem to have a closer relationship with the African species, and the western New World species a closer one with the Australian species, …
Portulaca lutea - Wikipedia
Portulaca lutea is very much like Sesuvium portulacastrum, it is a pan tropical, sea-dispersed beach succulent that can spread and even travel as vegetative fragments which are tolerant of …
Purslane - Wikipedia
Portulacaceae, a family of succulent flowering plants, and especially: Portulaca oleracea, a species of Portulaca eaten as a leaf vegetable, known as summer purslane; Portulaca …
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