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Pope Pius XII - Wikipedia
Pope Pius XII was head of the Catholic Church and sovereign of the Vatican City State from 2 March 1939 until his death in October 1958. Before his election to the papacy, he served as secretary of the Department of Extraordinary Ecclesiastical Affairs, papal nuncio to Germany, and Cardinal Secretary of … See more
Election and coronation
Pope Pius XI died on 10 February 1939. Several historians have interpreted the conclave to choose … See moreLiturgy reforms
In his encyclical Mediator Dei, Pius XII links liturgy with the last will of Jesus Christ.
But it is His will, that the worship He instituted and practised during His life on earth shall continue … See morePius XII explained the Catholic faith in 41 encyclicals and almost 1000 messages and speeches during his long pontificate. Mystici Corporis Christi clarified membership and participation in the church. The encyclical Divino afflante Spiritu See more
Priest and monsignor
While all other candidates from the Rome diocese were ordained in the Basilica of Saint John Lateran, Pacelli was ordained a priest on See moreDecentralized authority and increased independence of the Uniate Churches were aimed at in the Canon Law/Codex Iuris Canonici (CIC) reform. In its new constitutions, Eastern Patriarchs were made almost independent from Rome (CIC Orientalis, … See more
Pope Pius XII canonized numerous people, including Pope Pius X—"both were determined to stamp out, as far as possible, all traces of dangerous heterodoxy" —and Maria Goretti. He beatified Pope Innocent XI. The first canonizations were … See more
Wikipedia text under CC-BY-SA license Pope Pius XII and the Holocaust - Wikipedia
The papacy of Pius XII (Eugenio Pacelli) began on 2 March 1939 and continued to 9 October 1958, covering the period of the Second World War and the Holocaust, during which millions of Jews were murdered by Adolf Hitler's Germany. Before becoming pope, Cardinal Pacelli served as a Vatican diplomat in Germany and as Vatican Secretary of State under Pius XI. His role during the Nazi period ha…
Wikipedia · Text under CC-BY-SA license- Estimated Reading Time: 11 mins
Canonization of Pope Pius XII - Wikipedia
The canonization process of Pope Pius XII dates to shortly after his death in 1958. He was declared a servant of God in 1990 and venerable in 2009. Father Peter Gumpel was the …
- Estimated Reading Time: 9 mins
Pope Pius XII - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Pope Pius XII (Latin: Pius PP. XII; Italian: Pio XII), born Eugenio Maria Giuseppe Giovanni Pacelli (March 2, 1876 – October 9, 1958), was an Italian priest of the Roman Catholic Church and the …
- Estimated Reading Time: 1 min
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Pius XII | Biography, Papacy, & Facts | Britannica
- Pius XII (born March 2, 1876, Rome, Italy—died October 9, 1958, Castel Gandolfo) pope, bishop of Rome and head of the Roman Catholic Church, who had a long, tumultuous, and controversial pontificate (1939–58). During his reign as pope, the papacy confronted the ravages of World War II (1939–45), the abuses of the Nazi, fascist, and Soviet regimes, ...
Pius XII. – Wikipedia
Pius XII. (lateinisch Pius PP. XII; bürgerlich Eugenio Maria Giuseppe Giovanni Pacelli [euˈdʒɛːnjo maˈriːa dʒuˈzɛppe dʒoˈvanni paˈtʃɛlli]; * 2. März 1876 in Rom; † 9. Oktober 1958 in Castel …
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Pius XII - WWII, Holocaust, Pope | Britannica
Jan 3, 2025 · Pius XII - WWII, Holocaust, Pope: Unable to stop the spread of war, Pius—the first pope to use radio extensively—made a series of Christmas broadcasts in which he returned to a number of themes raised by Benedict XV …
Pope Pius XII - Wikiwand
Pope Pius XII (born Eugenio Maria Giuseppe Giovanni Pacelli, Italian pronunciation: [euˈdʒɛːnjo maˈriːa dʒuˈzɛppe dʒoˈvanni paˈtʃɛlli]; 2 March 1876 – 9 October 1958) was head of the Catholic Church and sovereign of the …
Pius Xii - Encyclopedia.com
Pius XII (1876-1958), pope from 1939 to 1958, guided the Roman Catholic Church through the difficult years of World War II and the postwar period, when much of the eastern Catholic …
Pope Pius XII - Jewish Virtual Library
Pope Pius XII was almost universally, regarded as a saintly man, a scholar, a man of peace, a tower of strength, and a compassionate defender and protector of all victims of the war and genocide that had drenched Europe in blood.
XII. Pius - Vikipedi
Papa XII. Pius , asıl adı Eugenio Maria Giuseppe Giovanni Pacelli (d. 2 Mart 1876, Roma - ö. 9 Ekim 1958, Castel Gandolfo , İtalya ), 2 Mart 1939 – 9 Ekim 1958 arasında papa . Yaşamı
Early life of Pope Pius XII - Wikipedia
Learn about the childhood, education, and family background of Eugenio Pacelli, who became Pope Pius XII in 1939. Discover his interests, talents, and challenges as a priest and a future …
Pius XII, Pope - Encyclopedia.com
PIUS XII, POPE Pontificate: March 2, 1939, to Oct. 9, 1958; b. Eugenio Maria Giuseppe Giovanni Pacelli, Rome, March 2,1876. He was the second of four children of Filippo Pacelli, a lawyer, …
Pope Pius XII Eugenio Maria Giuseppe Giovanni Pacelli, Pope …
Feb 5, 2025 · Pope Pius XII (Italian: Pio XII), born Eugenio Maria Giuseppe Giovanni Pacelli (2 March 1876 – 9 October 1958), was head of the Catholic Church and sovereign of the Vatican …
Pius XII – Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia
Pius XII przychylnie był nastawiony do narodowo-katolickich dyktatur gen. Francisca Franco w Hiszpanii, Antonia Salazara w Portugalii oraz faszystowskiej dyktatury Ante Pavelića w …
Theology of Pope Pius XII - Wikipedia
The theology of Pope Pius XII is reflected in his forty-one encyclicals, as well as speeches and nearly 1000 messages, during his almost 20-year pontificate. The encyclicals Mystici corporis …
Pope Pius XII | Christianity Knowledge Base | Fandom
Pope Pius XII (Latin: Pius PP. XII), born Eugenio Maria Giuseppe Giovanni Pacelli (March 2, 1876 – October 9, 1958), reigned as the 260th pope, the head of the Roman Catholic Church, and …
The Legacy Eugenio Pacelli (Pope Pius XII)
Oct 26, 2023 · Eugenio Pacelli, known to the world as Pope Pius XII, was a man whose life unfolded against the backdrop of significant historical events, leaving an indelible mark on both …
Pope Pius XII, Roman Catholic Church (1876-1958)
Pope Pius XII, Roman Catholic Church (1876-1958) The Venerable Pope Pius XII, Maria Giuseppe Giovanni Eugenio Pacelli, was born on 2 March 1876. Of noble birth, he was the son …
Bibliography of Pope Pius XII - Wikipedia
This bibliography on Church policies 1939–1945 [clarification needed] includes mainly Italian publications relative to Pope Pius XII and Vatican policies during World War II.Two areas are …
Pope Pius XII - Wikiwand
Pope Pius XII (born Eugenio Maria Giuseppe Giovanni Pacelli, Italian pronunciation: [euˈdʒɛːnjo maˈriːa dʒuˈzɛppe dʒoˈvanni paˈtʃɛlli]; 2 March 1876 – 9 October 1958) was head of the …
Who was Pius XII? The pope of difficult times
Pius XII is a complex and controversial figure: promoter of Rome "open city," protector of the victims of totalitarianisms, pope of "silences" in the face of the Shoah, fine diplomat, tormented …
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