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  1. Pack hunter - Wikipedia

    • A pack hunter or social predator is a predatory animal which hunts its prey by working together with other members of its species. Normally animals hunting in this way are closely related, and with the exceptions of chimpanzees where only males normally hunt, all individuals in a family group contribute to hunting. When hunting cooperation is across tw… See more

    Evolution of cooperative hunting

    Understanding how cooperative hunting could evolve requires considering the circumstances that would make it beneficial.
    In 1988, the ecologists Craig Packer and Lore Rutta… See more

    Adaptive significance

    When an environment allows it, cooperative hunting can offer species a range of adaptive advantages not normally available through solitary hunting.
    There are two main goals to cooperative hunting in s… See more

    Division of labor

    Division of labor, with each team member performing a subtask to complete an objective, is found in many species. It has been shown that animals that forage and hunt cooperatively in groups often adopt specialize… See more

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