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Manatee - Wikipedia
Manatees are large, fully aquatic, mostly herbivorous marine mammals sometimes known as sea cows. There are three accepted living species of Trichechidae, representing three of the four living species in the order Sirenia: the Amazonian manatee (Trichechus inunguis), the West Indian manatee … See more
Manatees weigh 400 to 550 kg (880 to 1,210 lb), and average 2.8 to 3.0 m (9 ft 2 in to 9 ft 10 in) in length, sometimes growing to 4.6 m (15 ft 1 in) and 1,775 kg (3,913 lb) and females tend to be larger and heavier than males. At birth, baby manatees weigh … See more
Range and habitat
Manatees inhabit the shallow, marshy coastal areas and rivers of the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico (T. manatus, West Indian manatee), … See moreManatees are three of the four living species in the order Sirenia. The fourth is the Eastern Hemisphere's dugong. The Sirenia are thought to have evolved from four-legged land mammals more than 60 million years ago, with the closest living relatives being the See more
Apart from mothers with their young, or males following a receptive female, manatees are generally solitary animals. Manatees spend approximately 50% of the day sleeping submerged, surfacing for air regularly at intervals of less than 20 minutes. The … See more
The main causes of death for manatees are human-related issues, such as habitat destruction and … See moreWikipedia text under CC-BY-SA license Manatee - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
See more on simple.wikipedia.orgChristopher Columbus, who thought mermaids were real, went to the waters around Haiti, and wrote in his logbook that he had seen three mermaids. He said that they were not as beautiful as everybody said they were. Nowadays, people believe Christopher Columbus had actually seen three manatees. It is possible h…- Estimated Reading Time: 3 mins
West Indian manatee - Wikipedia
The West Indian manatee (Trichechus manatus), also known as the North American manatee, is a large, aquatic mammal native to warm coastal areas of the Caribbean, from the Eastern United States to northern Brazil. Living alone or in herds, it feeds on underwater plants and uses its whiskers to navigate. It is divided into two subspecies, the Florida manatee (T. m. latirostris) in the Unite…
Wikipedia · Text under CC-BY-SA licenseManatee | Diet, Habitat, & Facts | Britannica
Jan 17, 2025 · manatee, (genus Trichechus), any of three species of large slow aquatic mammals found along tropical and subtropical Atlantic coasts and associated inland waters, including the watersheds of the Amazon and Niger …
African manatee - Wikipedia
The African manatee (Trichechus senegalensis), also known as the West African manatee, is a species of manatee that inhabits much of Western Africa – from …
- Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins
13 Amazing Manatee Facts - Fact Animal
Manatee are the oceans largest herbivores measuring up to 15ft in length and 1,775kg in weight. They are slow moving creatures and spend up to 50% of their time submerged asleep. They surface every 3-5mins to breathe, but can hold …
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Manatee guide: where they live, what they eat and why they're …
Discover everything about manatees, including their habitat, diet, and why they're called sea cows.
Manatee - U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
The West Indian manatee is a large herbivorous (plant-eating) marine mammal. There are two subspecies of West Indian manatees: the Florida manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris) and the Antillean manatee (Trichechus …
Manatee Facts | Anatomy, Diet, Migration and …
The manatee (aka sea cow) is a large, fully aquatic marine mammal with a uniquely shaped body compared to most other marine mammal species. These interesting animals can be seen living in several areas such as the Amazon …
Manatee - Marine Restoration Foundation
The Florida manatee is a non-ruminant herbivore (which strictly eats plant material) that lives in loosely associated social groups. The manatee’s body is large and fusiform (tapers at both ends), and the body color is light to dark …
Manatee conservation - Wikipedia
Starting in the 18th century when the English declared Florida a manatee sanctuary and made manatee hunting illegal, people have worked to protect this species. In 1893, manatees first …
What is a Manatee? - American Oceans
There are three species of manatees: the West Indian manatee, the Amazonian manatee, and the African manatee. The West Indian manatee is further divided into two subspecies: the Florida …
Manatee - San Diego Zoo Animals & Plants
There are three species of manatee named for the area where they live: the West Indian ranges along the east coast from Florida to Brazil; the Amazon manatee inhabit the Amazon River; …
Manatees - Call For The Wild - Animal Education Page
Welcome to the world of the Florida Manatees! Florida Manatees (manatus latirostris) are a fascinating and unique aquatic mammal within the Order of Sirenia. There are a total of three …
Manatees 101: Everything You Need to Know About Sea Cows
Apr 8, 2024 · The manatee is an aquatic mammal that lives in coastal areas and slow-moving waters throughout the Americas and the West Coast of Africa. Commonly called sea cows, …
Trichechidae - Wikipedia
Trichechus inunguis - Amazonian Manatee; Trichechus manatus - West Indian Manatee; Trichechus senegalensis - African Manatee †Trichechus hesperamazonicus †Potamosiren …
Manatees Facts and Information | United Parks & Resorts
The manatee's body is streamlined, full around the middle and narrowing to a paddle-shaped tail. The true color of a manatee is gray, although it may appear brownish gray. Amazonian …
Amazonian manatee - Wikipedia
Brazilian stamp from 1979 illustrating an Amazonian manatee. The Amazonian manatee is the smallest member of the manatee family and can be distinguished by its smoother rubbery skin …
Manatees - WWF
Manatees depend on sea-grasses and other near-shore ecosystems for food and shelter. These areas are also the most immediately impacted by nutrient run-off from agriculture, which …
Trichechus manatus - Society for Marine Mammalogy
The West Indian manatee (Trichechus manatus), also known as the North American manatee, is a large, aquatic mammal native to warm coastal areas of the Caribbean, from the Eastern …