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  1. How Levees Work and Why They Matter
    How Levees Work and Why They Matter
    Levees are structures that are built along rivers or coastlines to keep water from overflowing into the adjacent land.

    Speakers of American English use the word levee, from the French word levée (from the feminine past participle of the French verb lever, 'to raise'). It originated in New Orleans a few years after the city's founding in 1718 and was lat… See more


    The main purpose of artificial levees is to prevent flooding of the adjoining countryside and to slow natural course changes in a waterway to provide reliable shipping lanes for maritime commerce over time; they also confine the … See more

    Failures and breaches

    Both natural and man-made levees can fail in a number of ways. Factors that cause levee failure include overtopping, erosion, structural failures, and levee saturation. The most frequent (and dangerous) is a levee breach. … See more

    Negative impacts

    Large scale structures designed to modify natural processes inevitably have some drawbacks or negative impacts.
    Levees interrupt floodplain ecosystems that developed under conditions of seasonal flooding. In … See more

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