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Lesotho - Wikipedia
#N##N# Lesotho, formally the Kingdom of Lesotho, formerly known as Basutoland, is a landlocked country in Southern Africa. As an enclave of South Africa, with which it shares a 1,106 km (687 mi) border, it is the largest sovereign enclave in the world, and the only one outside of the Italian Peninsula. It is situated in … See more
Basotho land
Basutoland emerged as a single polity under King Moshoeshoe I in 1822. Moshoeshoe, a son of Mokhachane, a minor See moreLesotho covers 30,355 km (11,720 sq mi). It is the only independent state in the world that lies entirely above 1,000 metres (3,281 ft) in … See more
The economy of Lesotho is based on agriculture, livestock, manufacturing and mining, and depends on inflows of workers' remittances and receipts from the Southern African … See more
Lesotho has a population of approximately 2,281,454. The population distribution of Lesotho is 25% urban and 75% rural. It is estimated that the … See more
The Lesotho Government is a parliamentary constitutional monarchy. The Prime Minister, Sam Matekane, is the head of government and has executive authority. The King of Lesotho, Letsie III, is the head of state and serves a "largely ceremonial function"; … See more
The cuisine of Lesotho includes African traditions and British influences. The national dish of Lesotho is Motoho, a fermented sorghum porridge. Some staple foods include See more
Wikipedia text under CC-BY-SA license History of Lesotho - Wikipedia
The history of people living in the area now known as Lesotho goes back as many as 400 years. Present Lesotho (then called Basotholand) emerged as a single polity under King Moshoeshoe I in 1822. Under Moshoeshoe I, Basotho joined other clans in their struggle against the Lifaqane associated with famine and the reign of Shaka Zulu from 1818 to 1828.
Wikipedia · Text under CC-BY-SA license- Estimated Reading Time: 9 mins
Lesotho - Simple English Wikipedia, the free …
Learn about Lesotho, a small landlocked country in southern Africa that is an enclave of South Africa. Find out about its history, geography, people, cities, …
- Estimated Reading Time: 2 mins
Geography of Lesotho - Wikipedia
Learn about the location, climate, regions, rivers, and political divisions of Lesotho, a mountainous, landlocked country in Southern Africa. Lesotho is the …
- Estimated Reading Time: 8 mins
Lesotho – Wikipédia
Lesotho, hivatalos nevén a Lesothói Királyság (szotó nyelven: 'Muso oa Lesotho) Dél-Afrikában, a Dél-afrikai Köztársaság területébe ágyazva található enklávé. …
- Estimated Reading Time: 6 mins
Economy of Lesotho - Wikipedia
The economy of Lesotho is based on tourism, manufacturing, mining, and agriculture, and depends heavily on remittances from its diaspora. [5][6] Lesotho, a lower middle income …
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Maseru - Wikipedia
Maseru is the capital and largest city of Lesotho.It is also the capital of the Maseru District.Located on the Caledon River, Maseru lies directly on the Lesotho–South Africa border.Maseru had a population of 330,760 in the 2016 census. The city …
Outline of Lesotho - Wikipedia
Lesotho – sovereign country located in Southern Africa. [1] Lesotho is an enclave completely surrounded by the Republic of South Africa. Formerly Basutoland, it is a member of the Commonwealth of Nations. The name Lesotho roughly …
Languages of Lesotho - Wikipedia
Lesotho, a country in Southern Africa, is home to several languages, including Phuthi, Sesotho, Xhosa, Zulu and English, — all, except for English, belong to the Niger–Congo language …
Lesotho | Capital, Map, Flag, Population, Language,
Feb 20, 2025 · Lesotho, landlocked country in Southern Africa. A scenic land of tall mountains and narrow valleys, Lesotho owes a long history of political autonomy to the mountains that surround it and protect it from encroachment.
Lesotho - Wikipedia
Lesotho is 'n lidland van die Afrika-unie, Beweging van Onverbonde Lande, Britse Statebond, Gemeenskaplike Monetêre Gebied, Suider-Afrikaanse Ontwikkelingsgemeenskap en die Verenigde Nasies.
Lesoto - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
La Fuerza de Defensa de Lesoto (Lesotho Defence Force [53] LDF, por sus siglas en inglés) es el ejército del Reino de Lesoto, formado por unos 2.000 efectivos [54] y encargado de mantener …
Lesotho — Wikipédia
Le Lesotho est un État d'Afrique australe, entièrement enclavé dans l'Afrique du Sud, dont il est économiquement dépendant. Il a obtenu son indépendance en 1966 et est une monarchie …
Lesotho – Travel guide at Wikivoyage
Lesotho is a small country totally surrounded by South Africa. It's known as the "Kingdom in the Sky" because the entire country is at a high altitude. Its lowest point is 1,388 m (4,554 ft) …
Lesotho - Wikipedia
Lesotho, oficial Regatul Lesotho [5] este o țară în sudul Africii, formând o enclavă, fiind complet înconjurată de Africa de Sud. Capitala este Maseru. Lesotho înseamnă "Țara poporului care …
Lesotho - Wikiwand
Lesotho, formally the Kingdom of Lesotho, formerly known as Basutoland, is a landlocked country in Southern Africa. As an enclave of South Africa, with which it shares a 1,106 km (687 mi) …
Lesotho - Wikipedia
Location of Lesotho . Tungku (Sentru/Sidduan) (and largest city) Maseru Kikilalanan a amanu: English: Gubiernu: constitutional monarchy ...
Lesotho – Wikipedia
Das Königreich Lesotho (Sesotho [lɪ’sʊːtʰʊ]), 1868 bis 1966 Basutoland, ist ein Binnenstaat im südlichen Afrika. Lesotho ist vollständig von der Republik Südafrika umschlossen. Die …
About Lesotho - Government of Lesotho
Lesotho (formerly Basutoland) was constituted as a native state under British protection by a treaty signed with the native chief Moshoeshoe in 1843. It was annexed to Cape Colony in …
LeSotho - Wikipedia
Likhasi lelikhulu; Likhefi leinthanethi; Tentakalo tanyalo; Recent changes; Random page; Pages for logged out editors learn more
Lesotho - Wikipedia
Il Lesotho (AFI: /leˈsɔto/[4]), ufficialmente Regno del Lesotho (in sotho del sud Muso oa Lesotho, in inglese Kingdom of Lesotho, in passato noto anche come Basotholand o Basutoland, …
Lesotho – Wikipedia
Lesotho sijaitsee Eteläisen Afrikan kaakkoisosassa. Valtion pinta-ala on 30 355 neliökilometriä, ja se on Etelä-Afrikan enklaavi. [5] Sen rajanaapureina on Etelä-Afrikan provinssit KwaZulu …
Lesotho - Wikitravel
Jan 13, 2024 · Known as the Kingdom in the Sky because of its lofty altitude — it has the highest lowest point of any country in the world (1400m) and is the only country to be entirely above …
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