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Lazio - Wikipedia
Lazio (UK: / ˈlætsioʊ / LAT-see-oh, US: / ˈlɑːt -/ LAHT-; Italian: [ˈlattsjo]) or Latium (/ ˈleɪʃiəm / LAY-shee-əm, US also /- ʃəm / -shəm; [4][5][6][7] from the original Latin name, pronounced [ˈɫati.ũː]) is one of the 20 administrative regions of Italy.
Old Latium - Wikipedia
- Literary tradition
Dionysius of Halicarnassus has preserved extensive information on the settlement of Latium in his book, 'Roman Antiquities', where he listed and discussed many legends and traditional stories related by historians and scholars, both Greek and Roman, on how Latium was settled. Pliny th… - Pliny's list
The accounting provided by Pliny the Elder does not include all the centres of Latium Vetus that later developed into towns, but rather lists those which, according to the scholar, had disappeared by his time without leaving any trace. Therefore, he does not mention Anxur, Tibur, Cora, Ficule…
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- Literary tradition
Latins (Italic tribe) - Wikipedia
The Latins (Latin: Latinus (m.), Latina (f.), Latini (m. pl.)), sometimes known as the Latials[1] or Latians, were an Italic tribe that included the early inhabitants of the city of Rome (see Roman people).
Latium Adjectum - Wikipedia
Latium Adjectum or Adiectum (Latin for "Attached" or "Extended Latium") or Latium Novum ("New Latium") was a region of Roman Italy between Monte Circeo and the river Garigliano, south of …
Latin - Wikipedia
Latin (lingua Latina or Latinum [I]) is a classical language belonging to the Italic branch of the Indo-European languages.Latin was originally spoken by the Latins in Latium (now known as Lazio), the lower Tiber area around Rome, Italy. [1] …
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Latium – Wikipedia
Latium (italienisch Lazio) ist eine Region auf der Apenninhalbinsel in Mittelitalien mit 5.714.882 Einwohnern (Stand: 31. Dezember 2022). Wichtigste Stadt in Latium ist die italienische …
Latium - Wikipedia
Latium ( Laitin: Lătĭŭm [ˈlatiʊ̃]) is the region o central wastren Italy in which the ceety o Roum wis foondit an grew tae be the caipital ceety o the Roman Empire. Latium wis oreeginally a smaw triangle o growthie, volcanic soil on which …
Latium - Wikipedia
Latium (Italiaans: Regione Lazio) is 'n historiese landskap en administratiewe streek in Sentraal-Italië. Die grootste stad in Latium is die Italiaanse hoofstad Rome.
Latium – Wikipedia
Latium (lat. Latium, ital. Lazio) [4] on hallinnollinen alue Keski-Italiassa Rooman ympäristössä. Alueeseen kuuluu muinaisen Latiumin lisäksi Etrurian eteläosia. Latium on jaettu viiteen …
Latium – Wikipedia
Latium (no Lazio) er den sentrale regionen i Italia som vart utgangspunkt for framvoksteren av den mektige romarstaten i antikken. Når ordet blir nytta i vidaste meining har Latium eit …
Latium - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
Jan 24, 2025 · Latium A historical region of central Italy, in which the city of Rome was founded and grew to be the capital city of the Roman Empire. Lazio, the corresponding modern region.
Lazio – Wikipédia
Lazio (latinul: Latium) Olaszország egyik régiója, amelyet Toszkána, Umbria, Abruzzo, Marche, Molise, Campania és a Tirrén-tenger határol. Lakosainak száma 5 602 882. Székhelye Róma, …
拉齐奥大区 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
拉齐奥 (義大利語: Lazio, 拉丁語: Latium)是 意大利 的一个 大区,其政府所在地为 罗马。 拉齐奥的名称来自于“ 拉丁姆 ”「Latium」,即“拉丁人之地”,是古罗马发源的地方。 东哥特人 …
Portail:Latium — Wikipédia
Drapeau du Latium. Le Latium [l ä. ˈ s̪ j ɔ m], ou Lazio prononcé : / [ˈ l ä t̪ ͡ s̪ ː j o] en italien, est une région d'Italie centrale. C'est la seconde région la plus peuplée d'Italie, après la …
Lazio - Wikipedia
Lazio (pronounced , Laitin: Latium) is ane o the 20 admeenistrative regions o Italy, situatit in the central peninsular section o the kintra. Wi aboot 5.7 million residents an a GDP o mair nor 170 …
Latium | Italy, Rome, Map, & History | Britannica
Latium, ancient area in west-central Italy, originally limited to the territory around the Alban Hills, but extending by about 500 bce south of the Tiber River as far as the promontory of Mount …
Latium - (AP Latin) - Vocab, Definition, Explanations - Fiveable
Latium is an ancient region of central Italy that plays a crucial role in Roman history, particularly as the heartland of the Roman civilization.
라티움 - 위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전
라티움(Latium)은 이탈리아 반도 중부 서안에 위치한 곳으로, 테베레강 유역, 아펜니노산맥과 티레니아해 사이에 있는 넓은 평야지대이다. 초기 고대 로마가 이 곳을 중심으로 성장했다. …
Latium summary | Britannica
Latium , Ancient area, west-central Italy, on the Tyrrhenian Sea. The Latins (or Latini) came from Indo-European tribes that settled in the Italian peninsula during the 2nd millennium bc. By 500 …
Latium - Oxford Reference
6 days ago · Ancient sources make a useful distinction between Old Latium (Latium Vetus), the land of the ancient Latins, bounded to the NW by the rivers Tiber and Anio and to the east by …
Latium - Wikiwand
Latium is the region of central western Italy in which the city of Rome was founded and grew to be the capital city of the Roman Empire.
Latium | Oxford Classical Dictionary - Oxford Research …
The defensible hilltop sites provided by these outcrops were occupied by the earliest human habitations, which developed into substantial settlements during the iron age. Latium Vetus is …
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