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Las Vegas - Wikipedia
Las Vegas, colloquially referred to as Vegas, is the most populous city in the U.S. state of Nevada and the seat of Clark County. The Las Vegas Valley metropolitan area is the largest within the greater Mojave Desert, and second-largest in the Southwestern United States. Las Vegas is an internationally … See more
In 1829, Mexican trader and explorer Antonio Armijo led a group consisting of 60 men and 100 mules along the Old Spanish Trail from modern day New Mexico to California. Along the way, the group stopped in what … See more
2020 census
According to the 2020 United States census, the city of Las Vegas had 644,883 people living in 244,429 See moreThe city is home to several museums, including the Neon Museum (the location for many of the historical signs from Las Vegas's mid-20th century heyday), The Mob Museum, … See more
Nomadic Paleo-Indians traveled to the Las Vegas area 10,000 years ago, leaving behind petroglyphs. Ancient Puebloan and Paiute tribes followed at least 2,000 years ago. See more
Las Vegas is the county seat of Clark County, in a basin on the floor of the Mojave Desert, and is surrounded by mountain ranges. … See more
The city's parks and recreation department operates 78 regional, community, neighborhood, and pocket parks; four municipal swimming poools, 11 recreational centers, four active adult centers, eight cultural centers, six galleries, eleven … See more
Wikipedia text under CC-BY-SA license History of Las Vegas - Wikipedia
The settlement of Las Vegas, Nevada was founded in 1905 before the opening of a railroad that linked Los Angeles and Salt Lake City. The stopover attracted some farmers (mostly from Utah) to the area, and fresh water was piped in to the settlement. In 1911, the town was incorporated as part of the newly founded Clark County. Urbanization took off in 1931 when work started on the Boulder Dam (now the Hoover Dam), bringing a huge influx of young male workers, for whom th…
Wikipedia · Text under CC-BY-SA licenseLas Vegas - Simple English Wikipedia, the …
Learn about Las Vegas, the largest city in Nevada and a famous tourist destination. Find out its history, demographics, politics …
- Estimated Reading Time: 2 mins
Las Vegas - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
- Estimated Reading Time: 10 mins
Las Vegas Strip - Wikipedia
The Las Vegas Strip is a stretch of Las Vegas Boulevard in Clark County, Nevada, that is known for its concentration of resort hotels and casinos.
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Las Vegas | History, Layout, Population, …
Feb 27, 2025 · Learn about the history, geography, economy, and culture of Las Vegas, the fastest-growing metropolis in the American West. Explore the city's famous Strip, its casinos, …
Las Vegas – Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia
Las Vegas / l ɑ ː s ˈ v e. ɡ ɑ s / – najbardziej zaludnione miasto w amerykańskim stanie Nevada, w hrabstwie Clark. Na świecie kojarzone jest przede wszystkim z grami hazardowymi, zakupami oraz wyszukanymi restauracjami i luksusowymi …
Timeline of Las Vegas - Wikipedia
Las Vegas is founded as a city on May 15 when 110 acres (45 ha) of land adjacent to the San Pedro, Los Angeles and Salt Lake Railroad tracks are auctioned off by the railroad company. …
Las Vegas Valley - Wikipedia
The Las Vegas Valley is a major metropolitan area in the southern part of the U.S. state of Nevada, and the second largest in the Southwestern United States. The state's largest urban …
Las Vegas - Wikipedia
Las Vegas (Inglis pronunciation: /lɑːs ˈveɪɡəs/, Spainish: [las ˈβeɣas]) is the maist populous ceety in Nevada, Unitit States, the seat o Clark Coonty, and an internaitionally renowned major resort ceety for gamblin, shoppin an fine dinin.
Las Vegas - Wikipedia
Las Vegas zyrtarisht Qyteti i Las Vegasit dhe shpesh i njohur thjesht Vegas, është një qytet në Shtetet e Bashkuara, qyteti më i populluar në shtetin e Nevadas dhe selia e qarkut Clark.Las …
Las Vegas – Travel guide at Wikivoyage
Learn about Las Vegas, the largest city in Nevada and a famous destination for gambling, entertainment, and mega-casino resorts. Explore its districts, climate, history, and attractions …
Las Vegas, New Mexico - Wikipedia
The Plaza Hotel, built in 1881, on the Plaza of West Las Vegas New Mexico Insane Asylum in Las Vegas, 1904. Las Vegas was established in 1835 after a group of settlers received a land grant …
Las Vegas | HISTORY , The Mafia & Casinos | HISTORY
Dec 2, 2009 · Learn how Las Vegas became a desert metropolis built on gambling, vice and other forms of entertainment, from its founding by ranchers and railroad workers to its transformation …
Hoover Dam - HISTORY Sep 28, 2020 Nevada - HISTORY Aug 20, 2018 Eugene V. Debs Dec 1, 2009 Challenger Explosion Jan 27, 1986 Las Vegas - Wikimedia Commons
Sep 28, 2024 · English: Las Vegas is the largest city in the U.S. state of Nevada, and a major city in the United States. As of 2008, the city has a population of 603,093 and the metropolitan …
Las Vegas — Wikipédia
Las Vegas est une ville américaine du Nevada, célèbre pour ses casinos, ses spectacles et son tourisme. Découvrez son histoire, sa géographie, sa démographie et ses attractions sur …
Лас Вегас — Википедија
"The Making of Las Vegas" (historical timeline) Geologic tour guide of the Las Vegas area from American Geological Institute; National Weather Service Forecast – Las Vegas, NV
Las Vegas - Wikitravel
Jan 25, 2025 · Las Vegas is the largest popular city in the state of Nevada. Las Vegas is the Entertainment Capital of the World. It is located in the Mojave Desert of Southern Nevada. The …
Las Vegas – Wikipedia
Las Vegas ist die größte Stadt im US-Bundesstaat Nevada und Verwaltungssitz des Clark County. Das U.S. Census Bureau hat bei der Volkszählung 2020 eine Einwohnerzahl von …
Liste der höchsten Gebäude in Las Vegas – Wikipedia
Die Großstadt Las Vegas im US-Bundesstaat Nevada besitzt zwar einige Wolkenkratzer, jedoch grenzen sich diese meist in Sachen Design und Nutzung von jenen in den klassischen …
Las Vegas (Ayabaca) - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Las Vegas es un caserío peruano ubicado en el distrito de Sícchez, perteneciente a la provincia de Ayabaca del departamento de Piura, al norte del Perú. Ubicación. Las Vegas se ubica al …
Las Vegas Strip | History, Casinos, Hotels, Mobsters, Movies,
Feb 27, 2025 · Las Vegas Strip, hub of casinos, hotels, restaurants, and entertainment venues that spans an approximately 4-mile (6-km) portion of Las Vegas Boulevard. The Strip is a …
History of Las Vegas - Wikiwand
After gambling was legalized, the Bank of Las Vegas, led by E. Parry Thomas, became the first bank to lend money to the casinos, which Thomas regarded as the most important businesses …
Las Vegas - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Wikinews
May 30, 2023 · The city is home to several museums, including the Neon Museum (the location for many of the historical signs from Las Vegas's mid-20th century heyday), The Mob …