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Learn more about Bing search results hereOrganizing and summarizing search results for youKakao is a term that can refer to different things depending on the context. It can mean:- The plant Theobroma cacao, which is native to South America and cultivated in tropical regions for its seeds, which are used to make cocoa powder and chocolate.
- The powder made from the seeds of Theobroma cacao, which has a bitter taste and is used as a base for chocolate.
- A South Korean internet company that was established in 2010 as a result of a merger between Daum Communications and the original Kakao Inc. The company operates various online platforms and services, such as KakaoTalk, KakaoPay, KakaoStory, and KakaoTaxi.
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Kakao - Wikipedia
Kakao Corporation (Korean: 카카오) is a South Korean internet conglomerate headquartered in Jeju City. It was formed through the merger of Daum Communications and the original Kakao Inc in 2010. The company was renamed Daum Kakao in 2014. In 2015, it was rebranded once more, … See more
2006–2014: Founding of Kakao Corp.
Kakao Corp is the company behind KakaoTalk, which serves as its main platform and flagship application. It was founded in 2006 by See moreKakao Healthcare Corp.
Kakao Healthcare Corp focuses on leveraging technology to enhance healthcare services and operates within the digital healthcare … See more• Official website
• Business data for Kakao: See moreWikipedia text under CC-BY-SA license KakaoTalk - Wikipedia
KakaoTalk (Korean: 카카오톡), commonly referred to as KaTalk (Korean: 카톡) in South Korea, is an instant messenger and online services platform operated by Kakao Corporation. It was launched in 2010 and the app is available on mobile and desktop platforms.
KakaoTalk is the most popular instant messaging app in South Korea, and sinc…Wikipedia · Text under CC-BY-SA license- Estimated Reading Time: 7 mins
Kakao Entertainment - Wikipedia
Kakao Entertainment Corp. (Korean: 주식회사 카카오엔터테인먼트; stylized as kakao ENTERTAINMENT) is a South Korean entertainment, mass media, and publishing company …
Kakao Games - Wikipedia
Kakao Games Corp. (Hangul: 카카오게임즈) is a South Korean video game publisher and a subsidiary of Kakao. [3] It specializes in developing and publishing games on PC, mobile, and …
- Estimated Reading Time: 3 mins
See all 27 rows on en.wikipedia.orgTITLE GENRE PREMIERE FINALE Amanza Fantasy drama September 1, 2020 November 3, 2020 Love Revolution Teen drama September 1, 2020 December 27, 2020 No, Thank You Melodrama November 21, 2020 March 26, 2022 Lovestruck in the City Romantic comedy December 22, 2020 February 16, 2021
Kakao – Wikipedie
Kakao je obvyklé označení pro semena kakaovníku (Theobroma) a z nich vyrobený prášek. Kakao je důležitým vývozním artiklem mnoha rozvojových zemí a slouží především jako …
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カカオ (企業) - Wikipedia
株式会社 カカオ (朝: 주식회사 카카오 、 英: Kakao Corp.)は、 韓国 の インターネット サービス会社である。 韓国第2位のインターネット ポータルサイト 「ダウム」や韓国最大の無料通話 メッセンジャーアプリ 「カカオトーク」な …
Kakao - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
Kakao (韓語: 카카오)是 韓國 的一個高科技和互聯網公司,公司开发的 PotPlayer 和 KakaoTalk 應用程式在韓國和世界擁有高使用率,目前全球擁有18.2億的使用者 [2]。 最初成立 …
Kakao – Wikipedia
Kakao (Theobroma cacao L.) är en art i familjen malvaväxter. Det är ett träd som växer och odlas i de tropiska delarna av Nordamerika, Sydamerika, Afrika och Asien. Släktet Theobroma …
Kakao – Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre
Kakao Corporation (hangul: 카카오) é um conglomerado da Internet sediado na cidade de Jeju. Foi formada através da fusão da Daum Communications e da Kakao Inc original em 2010.A …
Kakao – Wikipedia
Kakao Corp on eteläkorealainen mobiilipalveluihin keskittyvä pörssiyhtiö. Yhtiön perusti Kim Beom-su vuonna 1995. Yritys on perustettu KakaoTalk - pikaviestintäsovelluksen julkaisun …
Kakao – Wikipédia
Kakao môže znamenať: staršie alebo ľudovo: kakaovník obyčajný; kakaové bôby (t. j. semená plodu kakaovníka obyčajného), najmä sušené a čiastočne fermentované semená, z ktorých sa …
Какао — Википедија
Какао је једна од најкомплекснијих намирница на планети, због свог садржаја минерала и широког спектра јединствених својстава, која броји преко 300 активних активних …
Kakao – Wikipedia tiếng Việt
Kakao (tiếng Hàn: 카카오) là một công ty mạng internet của Hàn Quốc được thành lập vào năm 2010 do sự hợp nhất giữa Daum Communications và Kakao Inc. Năm 2014, công ty được đổi …
Kakao — Википедија
Kakao je jedna od najkompleksnijih namirnica na planeti, zbog svog sadržaja minerala i širokog spektra jedinstvenih svojstava, koja broji preko 300 aktivnih aktivnih supstanci kao što su fenil …
Kakao - Wikiwand
Kakao Corporation (Korean: 카카오) is a South Korean internet conglomerate headquartered in Jeju City. It was formed through the merger of Daum Communications and the original Kakao …
Kakao - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 - zh.wikipedia.org
Kakao (韩语: 카카오)是 韩国 的一个高科技和互联网公司,公司开发的 PotPlayer 和 KakaoTalk 应用程序在韩国和世界拥有高使用率,目前全球拥有18.2亿的使用者 [2]。 最初成立 …
Secret Relationships - Wikipedia
Secret Relationships (Korean: 비밀사이) is an ongoing South Korean BL romance workplace television series created by Jeong Soo-yun, written by Lee Yoo-jin, directed by Yang Kyung …
Kakao - Wikiwand
South Korean internet company From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Kakao Corporation (Korean: 카카오) is a South Korean internet conglomerate headquartered in Jeju City. It was …
카카오(기업) - 나무위키
2015년 9월 23일 사명이 다음카카오에서 카카오로 변경되었다. 2015년 11월 29일 카카오뱅크가 인터넷 은행 예비인가를 받았다. 헌데 여기서 생각지 못한 문제가 생기는데, …
Secret Relationships - Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia …
Secret Relationships (Hangul: 비밀사이) adalah seri televisi romansa tempat kerja BL yang dibuet oleh Jeong Soo-yun, ditulis oleh Lee Yoo-jin, disutradarai oleh Yang Kyung-hee, dan …
Kakao - Wikiwand
Dec 3, 2024 · Kakao Corporation (Korean: 카카오) is a South Korean Internet conglomerate headquartered in Jeju City. It was formed through the merger of Daum Communications and …
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