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Iridaceae - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Iridaceae are perennial herbs from rhizomes, bulbs or corms comprising about 80 genera and 1,500 species. The leaves are distichous and have a sheathing, equitant base and a generally …
Dietes - Wikipedia
Dietes is a genus of six rhizomatous plant species of the iris family Iridaceae, first described collectively in 1866. Common names for the different species …
- Estimated Reading Time: 3 mins
Tigridia - Wikipedia
Tigridia / t aɪ ˈ ɡ r ɪ d i ə /, [2] is a genus of bulbous or cormous flowering plants belonging to the family Iridaceae. With common names including peacock …
- Estimated Reading Time: 3 mins
Iridaceae | Description, Major Genera and Species, & Facts
- Iridaceae, the iris family of flowering plants (order Asparagales), comprising 66 genera and around 2,200 species. The family is nearly worldwide in distribution, but it is most abundant and diversified in Africa. Most species are native to temperate, subtropical, and tropical regions. A few species grow in swampy locations, and a few withstand the...
Sisyrinchium - Wikipedia
Sisyrinchium is a large genus of annual to perennial flowering plants in the family Iridaceae. Native to the New World , the species are known as blue-eyed grasses. Although they are not true grasses (Poaceae), they are monocots .
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Iridaceae – Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre
Iridaceae é uma família de plantas com flor monocotiledóneas da ordem Asparagales, [2] com distribuição cosmopolita, que agrupa cerca de 2 244 espécies, repartidas por 66 géneros e 7 …
Libertia ixioides - Wikipedia
Libertia ixioides (also known as mānga-a-Huripapa, mikoikoi or tūkāuki [2]) is a flowering plant in the family Iridaceae. The species is endemic to New Zealand. [2] It is a rhizome-forming …
Iridaceae — Wikipédia
La famille des Iridaceae (Iridacées) est constituée de plantes monocotylédones. La circonscription est discutée : elle comprend environ 1 800 espèces réparties en 67-92 genres répartis en …
Iris nelsonii - Wikipedia
Iris nelsonii is a species in the genus Iris, it is also in the subgenus Limniris and in the series hexagonae. It is a rhizomatous perennial, from northern America. It has long drooping, grass …
Frezie - Wikipedia
Freesia (Ecklon ex Klatt) este un gen de plante erbacee, perene din familia Iridaceae. Speciile acestui gen sunt originare din sudul Africii și importate pentru prima dată în Europa la sfârșitul …
Stânjenel - Wikipedia
Stânjenel (Iris) este denumirea comună a unor plante monocotiledonate din familia Iridaceae. Plante ierbacee cu rizomi orizontali, adesea ramificați, mai rar cu bulboteri și cu frunze . …
アヤメ科 - Wikipedia
アヤメ科 (アヤメか、 Iridaceae)は 単子葉植物 の科で、 多年草 からなる。 世界に66属2000種ほどあり [4] 、南アジアなどを除く世界の 熱帯 から 温帯 にかけて分布し、特に南アフリカ …
Iridaceae - Wikipedia
Iridaceae este o familie de plante din ordinul Liliales, după Sistemul Cronquist sau din ordinul Asparagales, după Sistemul APG III. Familia întrunește plante erbacee sau cu tulpini slab …
Perunikovke – Wikipedija
Perunikovke (lat. Iridaceae nom. cons.), velika biljna porodica jednosupnica kojoj pripada 7 imenovanih potporodica (plus incertae sedis) s 2579 vrsta. [1] Porodica je dobila ime po …
Iridaceae - Wikipedia
Pagina maestra; Indice alfabeticu; Un articulu à casu; Ultime mudifiche; Aiutu; Pagine speciali
Kosaćcowate – Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia
Kosaćcowate (Iridaceae Juss.) – rodzina jednoliściennych roślin lądowych oraz bagiennych. Obejmuje ok. 2,1–2,2 tysięcy gatunków zebranych w 66 rodzajów. Rodzina jest niemal …
Brândușă - Wikipedia
Crocus este un gen de plante cu flori din familia Iridaceae, cuprinzând 90 de specii.
Nőszirom – Wikipédia
A nőszirom vagy írisz (Iris) a spárgavirágúak (Asparagales) rendjébe tartozó nősziromfélék (Iridaceae) családjának névadó nemzetsége. 200-300 faj tartozik ide. A tudományos nevét a …
Rẻ quạt – Wikipedia tiếng Việt
Cây rẻ quạt hay còn gọi xạ can, lưỡi đồng (danh pháp hai phần: Iris domestica) là một loài cây bụi thuộc họ Diên vĩ có nguồn gốc từ Trung Quốc và Nhật Bản. Loài này được (L.) Goldblatt & …