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Inanna - Wikipedia
Inanna is the ancient Mesopotamian goddess of love, war, and fertility. She is also associated with sensuality, procreation, divine law, and political power. Originally worshipped in Sumer, she was known by the Akkadian Empire, Babylonians, and Assyrians as Ishtar (and occasionally the logogram 𒌋𒁯). Her … See more
Scholars believe that Inanna and Ishtar were originally separate, unrelated deities, but were conflated with one another during the reign of See more
Gwendolyn Leick assumes that during the Pre-Sargonic era, the cult of Inanna was rather limited, though other experts argue that she was already the most prominent deity in Uruk and a … See more
Inanna/Ishtar's most common symbol was the eight-pointed star, though the exact number of points sometimes varies; six-pointed stars also occur frequently, but their symbolic meaning is unknown. The eight-pointed star … See moreInanna has posed a problem for many scholars of ancient Sumer due to the fact that her sphere of power contained more distinct and contradictory aspects than that of any other deity. Two major theories regarding her origins have been proposed. The first … See more
In addition to the full conflation of Inanna and Ishtar during the reign of Sargon and his successors, she was syncretised with a large number of deities to a varying degree. The oldest known syncretic hymn is dedicated to Inanna, and has been dated to the See more
Wikipedia text under CC-BY-SA license Inanna - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Inanna is the Sumerian goddess of love, war, and fertility, also known as Ishtar. She was worshipped in Uruk and had symbols of the lion, dove and the eight-pointed star.
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Inanna - World History Encyclopedia
See more on worldhistory.orgThrough the work of the Akkadian poet and high priestess Enheduanna (l. 2285-2250 BCE), daughter of Sargon of Akkad (r. 2334-2279 BCE), Inanna was notably identified with Ishtar and rose in prominence from a local vegetative deity of the Sumerian people to the Queen of Heaven and the most popular goddess in all of …- Published: Oct 15, 2010
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Eanna - Wikipedia
E-anna (Sumerian: 𒂍𒀭𒈾 É-AN.NA, house of heavens), also referred to as the Temple of Inanna, was an ancient Sumerian temple in Uruk. Considered the "residence" of Inanna, it is mentioned throughout the Epic of Gilgamesh and various other texts. The evolution of the gods to whom the temple was dedicated is the subject of scholarly study.
Wikipedia · Text under CC-BY-SA license- Estimated Reading Time: 1 min
Inanna - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
En la mitología sumeria Inanna era la diosa del amor, la belleza, el sexo, la guerra, la justicia y el poder político, y protectora de la ciudad de Uruk. …
- Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins
Inanna Sarkis - Wikipedia
Inanna Sarkis (born 15 May 1993) is a Canadian actress. Sarkis was born in Hamilton, Ontario, the daughter of an ethnically Assyrian father from Iraq who was a dentist and a Bulgarian mother who used to be a surgeon in Bulgaria.
Descent of Inanna into the Underworld - Wikipedia
The myth of Descent of Inanna into the Underworld is presented in two versions: one written in Sumerian and another rewritten in Akkadian, where the goddess is referred to as Ishtar. These two versions are not faithful translations of each …
Anunnaki - Wikipedia
The Anunnaki (Sumerian: 𒀭𒀀𒉣𒈾, also transcribed as Anunaki, Annunaki, Anunna, Ananaki and other variations) are a group of deities of the ancient Sumerians, Akkadians, Assyrians and …
Inanna of Zabalam - Wikipedia
Inanna of Zabalam (also Supālītum, [1] Sugallītu, [2] Nin-Zabalam[3]) was a hypostasis of the Mesopotamian goddess Inanna associated with the city of Zabalam.
Ninshubur - Wikipedia
Ninshubur (𒀭𒎏𒋚,; Ninšubur, "Lady of Subartu" or "Lady of servants" [2]), also spelled Ninšubura, [3] was a Mesopotamian goddess regarded as the sukkal (divine attendant) of the goddess Inanna.While it is agreed that in this context …
Inanna - Wikipedia
Inanna, Inana, of Ininni was een hemelgodin en de allergrootste godin van de Soemerische religie. Gedurende haar bestaan kreeg zij meerdere, soms tegenstrijdige rollen. Zo was zij als …
Dumuzid - Wikipedia
Dumuzid or Dumuzi or Tammuz (Sumerian: 𒌉𒍣, romanized: Dumuzid; Akkadian: Duʾūzu, Dûzu; Hebrew: תַּמּוּז, romanized: Tammūz), [a] [b] known to the Sumerians as Dumuzid the Shepherd …
Inanna - Wikipedie
Inanna (sumersky 𒀭𒈹|𒀭𒈹 D inanna, též 𒀭𒊩𒌆𒀭𒈾 D nin-an-na), Ištar (akkadsky D ištar), je bohyně, jež byla uctívána v mezopotámském náboženství a spojována s láskou, krásou, …
Ishtar | Goddess, Worship, & Facts | Britannica
2 days ago · Inanna, an important goddess in the Sumerian pantheon, came to be identified with Ishtar, but it is uncertain whether Inanna is also of Semitic origin or whether, as is more likely, …
Inanna (mythology) | Heroes Wiki - Fandom
Inanna, also known as Ishtar, was the Mesopotamian goddess of love, war, and fertility, as well as one of the most prominent deities in the mythology. The parentage of Inanna varies from time …
Inanna - Wikipedia
Inanna (anche Inana; cuneiforme sumerico: , d IN.AN.NA, forse con il significato di "Signora del Cielo" [1], anche d MÚŠ [2] con il significato di "Splendente"; in dialetto emesal: gašan.an.na) …
İnanna - Vikipedi
İnanna (Sümerce: 𒀭𒈹 D inanna, ayrıca 𒀭𒊩𒌆𒀭𒈾 D nin-an-na[6][7]); aşk, güzellik, seks, savaş, adalet ve siyasi güçle ilişkilendirilen antik Mezopotamya tanrıçasıdır.
Inanna - Wikiquote
Jan 11, 2024 · Inanna (/ɪˈnɑːnə/; Sumerian: 𒀭𒈹 D inanna) was the ancient Sumerian goddess of love, beauty, sex, desire, fertility, war, combat, justice, and political power. She was later …
Mesopotamia - Inanna - Myths and sagas
Inanna stands as a central figure in Mesopotamian mythology, revered across Sumer from its earliest days, with her primary worship hub in Uruk. She is the goddess of numerous aspects, …
Inanna – Wikipedia
Inanna (tai Ninnanna, taivaan kuningatar) oli sumerilaisessa mytologiassa esiintynyt rakkauden, hedelmällisyyden ja sodan jumalatar. Häntä vastasi Assyrian, Babylonian ja Akkadian …
Tammuz - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Como dios Dumuzi con su esposa Inanna en una escultura sumeria.. Tammuz (en árabe تمّوز, en hebreo תַּמּוּז) era una divinidad babilónica, consorte de Inanna.Es el dios pastor y de la …
Viatge d'Inanna als inferns - Viquipèdia, l'enciclopèdia lliure
El mite del descens de la dea Inanna (en sumeri) o Ixtar (en accadi) a Irkalla (l'inframon) constitueix un dels principals cicles literaris mesopotàmics i es coneix amb diversos noms: en …
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