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- Organizing and summarizing search results for youIn nomine Domini is a Latin phrase meaning "in the name of the Lord." It refers to a papal bull issued by Pope Nicholas II on April 13, 1059, which established significant reforms in the papal election process, notably designating the cardinal-bishops as the sole electors of the pope. This document aimed to reduce external influences on papal elections, particularly from the Holy Roman Empire and local nobility.4 Sources
In nomine Domini - Wikisource, the free online library
Aug 9, 2016 · The bull was issued on 13 April 1059 and caused major reforms in the system of papal election, most notably establishing the cardinal-bishops as the sole electors of the pope, …
- Estimated Reading Time: 50 secs
In Nomine - Wikipedia
Opening of the "in nomine" passage from Taverner's Gloria Tibi Trinitas Mass. In Nomine is a title given to a large number of pieces of English polyphonic, predominantly instrumental music, …
- Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins
In nomine Domini - Wikipedia
In nomine Domini è una bolla pontificia promulgata da papa Niccolò II il 12 aprile 1059. È anche conosciuto con il nome Decretum in electione papae.
- Estimated Reading Time: 8 mins
Episcopal blessing - Wikipedia
The following is the formula, together with the introductory Dominus vobiscum: Dominus vobiscum. Et cum spiritu tuo. Sit nomen Domini benedictum. Ex hoc …
- Estimated Reading Time: 3 mins
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The Bull of Pope Nicholas II: In Nomine Domini, April 13, 1059
Feb 25, 2021 · After centuries of interference in the Election of the Roman Pontiff by the Emperors of Constantinople and of the Holy Roman Empire, by the military, by the Roman Nobility and …
In nomine Domini – Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre
In nomine Domini, do incipit em latim ("Em nome do Senhor"), é uma bula pontifícia do Papa Nicolau II e cânon do Concílio de Roma, promulgada em 13 de abril de 1059, [1] …
In nomine Domini – Wikipedie
In nomine Domini je papežský dekret, který roku 1059 papež Mikuláš II. ustanovil způsob papežské volby. Po období cézaropapismu, v němž císař Jindřich III. fakticky kontroloval …
In nomine Domini | Religion Wiki - Fandom
In nomine Domini, named for its Latin incipit ("In the name of the Lord"), is a papal bull of Pope Nicholas II and canon of the Council of Rome, promulgated on April 13, 1059,[1] establishing …
In nomine Domini - Viquipèdia, l'enciclopèdia lliure
In nomine Domini (llatí: En el nom del Senyor) és una butlla papal escrita pel papa Nicolau II i un cànon del Concili de Roma. La butlla fou publicada el 13 d'abril de 1059 i va ser la Indicció …
In nomine Domini — Википедија
In nomine Domini (лат. У име Господње) је папска була коју је написао папа Никола II. Була је издата 13. априла 1059. године, [а][1] и довела је до великих реформи у систему …
Sanctus - Wikipedia
Benedictus qui venit in nomine Domini. Hosanna in excelsis. In the Roman Rite, the Sanctus also forms part of the solemn hymn of praise Te Deum laudamus , but with the addition of a …
In Nomine Domini - Wikisource
In Nomine Domini Nostri JESU CHRISTI, et Salvatoris, ab Incarnationis ejus anno millesimo quinquagesimo nono, mense Aprili, indictione duodecima, praepositis sacrosanctis Evangeliis, …
In nomine Domini - Wikipedija, prosta enciklopedija
In nomine Domine (slovensko: V imenu Gospodovem) je papeška bula, ki jo je izdal papež Nikolaj II. na lateranski sinodi dne 13. aprila 1059 in določa način papeških volitev.
In nomine Domini — Wikipedia Republished // WIKI 2
In nomine Domini (Latin: In the name of the Lord) is a papal bull written by Pope Nicholas II. The bull was issued on 13 April 1059 and caused major reforms in the system of papal election, …
In nomine Domini - Wikiwand
In nomine Domini (Latin: In the name of the Lord) is a papal bull written by Pope Nicholas II. The bull was issued on 13 April 1059 [note 1] and caused major reforms in the system of papal …
Symphony No. 84 (Haydn) - Wikipedia
The Symphony No. 84 in E ♭ major, Hoboken I/84, is the third of the six Paris Symphonies (numbers 82–87) written by Joseph Haydn. It is sometimes known by the subtitle In nomine …
In nomine Domini — Википедија - sr.wikipedia.org
In nomine Domini (lat. У име Господње) je papska bula koju je napisao papa Nikola II. Bula je izdata 13. aprila 1059. godine, [ a ] [ 1 ] i dovela je do velikih reformi u sistemu izbora papa , a …
In nomine Domini — Википедија
In nomine Domini (латински: Во името на Отецот) — була на папата Никола II и канон на Советот на Рим. Булата била издадена на 13 април 1059 [белешка 1] и предизвикала …
In nomine Domini - wiki-gateway.eudic.net
In nomine Domini (Latin: In the name of the Lord) is a papal bull written by Nicholas II and a canon of the Council of Rome. The bull was issued on 13 April 1059 [note 1] and caused major …