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List of political ideologies - Wikipedia
In political science, a political ideology is a certain set of ethical ideals, principles, doctrines, myths or symbols of a social movement, institution, class or large group that explains how society …
Ideology - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
An ideology is a collection of ideas or beliefs shared by a group of people. It may be a connected set of ideas, or a style of thought, or a world-view. It was coined by a French philosopher, …
- Estimated Reading Time: 3 mins
Americanism (ideology) - Wikipedia
Americanism, also referred to as American patriotism, is a set of nationalist values which aim to create a collective American identity for the United States that can be defined as "an articulation of the nation's rightful place in the world, a set of …
Ideocracy - Wikipedia
Ideocracy (a portmanteau word combining "ideology" and kratos, Greek for "power") is "governance of a state according to the principles of a particular (political) ideology; a state or …
- Estimated Reading Time: 7 mins
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List of political ideologies - Simple English Wikipedia, the free ...
You can help Wikipedia by writing articles to help lower the number of red links. (June 2021) Anarchism (kinds and variants of ideologies) Political internationals. Anarkismo (platformism …
Punk ideologies - Wikipedia
A punk protests against an ACT! for America counter-protest against refugee policy in Boise, Idaho, in November 2015.. Punk ideologies are a group of varied social and political beliefs associated with the punk subculture and punk …
ideology - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
Feb 1, 2025 · ideology (countable and uncountable, plural ideologies) Doctrine, philosophy, body of beliefs or principles belonging to an individual or group. A dictatorship bans things, that do …
Ideology of the Workers' Party of Korea - Wikipedia
Officially, the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) – the ruling party of North Korea (Democratic People's Republic of Korea) – is a communist party guided by Kimilsungism–Kimjongilism, a synthesis of the ideas of Kim Il Sung and Kim …
Little China (ideology) - Wikipedia
Little China refers to a politico-cultural ideology and phenomenon in which various Japanese, Korean and Vietnamese regimes identified themselves as the "Central State" and regarded …
Revisionist Zionism - Wikipedia
The Revisionist Zionist Union Revisionist Zionism is a form of Zionism characterized by territorial maximalism. Revisionist Zionism promoted expansionism and the establishment of a Jewish majority on both sides of the …
Hindutva - Wikipedia
The Hindutva ideology-based Jan Sangh members such as Atal Bihari Vajpayee, Brij Lal Varma, and L. K. Advani gained national prominence, and the Hindutva ideology sympathiser Morarji …
Ideologie – Wikipedia
Eine Ideologie ist eine umfassende Weltanschauung, die gesellschaftliche, historische, politische, ökonomische oder kulturelle Rahmenbedingungen in einer bestimmten, interessegeleiteten …
Ideologi – Wikipedia
Ideologier er systemer av abstrakt tankegang som angår saker for allmennhet og er således konsepter som står sentralt for politikken. Underforstått sammenfiltrer hver eneste politiske …
Ideoloģija — Vikipēdija
Ideoloģija (franču: idéologie; sengrieķu: idea 'jēdziens' + logos 'mācība') ir jebkura politisko, tiesisko, filozofisko, tikumisko, reliģisko un estētisko uzskatu un nostādņu sistēma, kas ir …
List of political ideologies | Pax Britannica Wiki | Fandom
Conservatism is a prevalent ideology in many nations, advocating for traditionalism and moderate reforms. Conservatives are often dramatically more moderate than their more reactionary …
Idéologie — Wikipédia
Une idéologie est un système prédéfini d'idées, appelées aussi catégories, à partir desquelles la réalité est analysée, par opposition à une connaissance intuitive de la réalité sensible perçue. …
Arrow Cross Party - Wikipedia
The Arrow Cross Party (Hungarian: Nyilaskeresztes Párt – Hungarista Mozgalom, lit. ' Arrow Cross Party – Hungarist Movement ', abbreviated NYKP) was a far-right Hungarian …
Ideologie - Wikipedie
Ideologie je propracovaná soustava názorů, postojů, hodnot a idejí s apologetickou nebo ofenzivní funkcí založenou na formulování politických, hospodářských, světonázorových …
Ideology (DLC) - RimWorld Wiki
Jun 14, 2024 · Ideology is a DLC for RimWorld that focuses on belief systems, social roles, rituals, hunts for ancient relics and cross-cultural interaction. The DLC also adds Gauranlen trees that …