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Hymir - Wikipedia
Hymir (Old Norse: [ˈhymez̠]) is a jötunn in Norse mythology, and the owner of a brewing- cauldron fetched by the thunder god Thor for Ægir, who wants to hold a feast for the Æsir (gods). In …
- Estimated Reading Time: 3 mins
Hymiskvida (Old Norse Hymiskviða) | The Lay of Hymir (Full text)
See more on vikingr.orgWhile Tyr himself names Hymir as his father, there is no love lost between them. Hymir in particular seems less than enthusiastic to hear his wayward son has returned home to visit. In Skaldskaparmal, Snorri states that Odinis Tyr’s father and this might be an explanation. Odin is well known for his philandering, even braggi…Hymiskviða — Wikipédia
La Hymiskvida ou Hymiskviða (« Chant de Hymir » en vieux norrois) est l'un des poèmes de l’Edda poétique. Composé de 39 strophes en fornyrdislag, il rapporte l'expédition des dieux …
- Estimated Reading Time: 3 mins
Hymiskviða - Nordic Names
The Hymiskviða ('the lay of Hymir') is a 12th or 13th century mytholgical poem in the Poetic Edda. It begins with a planned feast for the gods, for which the giant Ægir is supposed to brew the …
Hymiskviða - Wikipedia, den frie encyklopædi
Hymiskviða (Hymerskvadet) er et kvad i den ældre Edda, hvor bl.a. historien om Thors fisketur fortælles. Historien er brugt som udgangspunkt for Peter Madsens tegneseriealbum Ormen i …
Hymiskviða | Myth and Folklore Wiki | Fandom
Hymiskviða (Hymir's poem; the name can be anglicized as Hymiskvitha, Hymiskvidha or Hymiskvida) is a poem collected in the Poetic Edda. The Æsir visit Ægir and find, since Ægir …
Egil (Hymiskvida) - Wikipedia
In Norse mythology, Egil is the name of a farmer in the poem Hymiskvida who looked after Thor 's goats while the god was visiting the giant Hymir. [1] ^ Rydberg, Viktor; Anderson, Rasmus …
Hymiskviða – Wikipedia
Hymiskviða ist ein sogenanntes Götterlied der Lieder-Edda. Das Lied ist in 39 Strophen im eddischen Versmaß des Fornyrðislag sowohl im Korpus des Codex Regius sowie in der …
Hymir in Old Norse Literature (The Lay of Hymir)
Dec 28, 2022 · Hymiskviða (or Lay of Hymir) is a poem taken from the Poetic Edda and tells a story about Hymir lending his magical mile-deep cauldron to Thor (or þorr) and Týr.
Hymir - Wikipedia, frjálsa alfræðiritið
Hymir er jötunn í norrænni goðafræði. Í Hymiskviðu er Hymir sagður faðir Týs, [1] en í Skáldskaparmálum er Óðinn sagður faðir Týs. [2] Hymiskviða fjallar um þegar æsir ætluðu að …
Literary Encyclopedia — Anonymous. Hymiskviða [Hymir’s poem] …
Jul 7, 2023 · Hymiskviða [Hymir’s poem] is a mythological eddic poem composed in. fornyrðislag [old story meter]. The poem is divided into 39 stanzas. The oldest version of. Hymiskviða. …
Hymir | Myth and Folklore Wiki | Fandom
In Norse mythology, Hymir is a Jǫtunn, husband of the gýgr Hróðr and according to the Eddic poem Hymiskviða the father of the god Týr. He is the owner of a mile-wide cauldron in which …
Hymiskviða – heimskringla.no
Hymiskviða. 1. Ár valtívar veiðar námu ok sumblsamir, áðr saðir yrði, hristu teina ok á hlaut sáu; fundu þeir at Ægis örkost hvera. 2. Sat bergbúi barnteitr fyr mjök glíkr megi miskorblinda; leit í …
Hymiskviða - Wikipedia
Hymiskviða of Hymiskvädet is in de Poëtische Edda de ballade van Hommer (Hymir). De held is weliswaar Thor die hier reuzenavonturen beleeft. Het zijn oorspronkelijk twee zelfstandige …
Hymiskviða - The Lay of Hymir | Poetic Edda (English translation) …
1865 translation from Old Norse to English by Benjamin Thorpe from the original Lay of Hymir (Old Norse: Hymiskviða) poem found in the Codex Regius.
Hymiskviða - Wikiwand
Hymiskviða (Old Norse: 'The lay of Hymir'; [1] anglicized as Hymiskvitha, Hymiskvidha or Hymiskvida) is a poem collected in the Poetic Edda. The poem was first written down in the …
Hymiskviða – Wikipedia
Hymiskviða (nynorsk Hymeskvida eller Hymeskvæde) er eit kvad i den eldre Edda, kvadet om Hyme (Hymir). Mellom anna handlar kvadet om guden Tor, som heldt på å dra opp …
Hymiskviða — Wikipedia Republished // WIKI 2
Hymiskviða (Old Norse: 'The lay of Hymir'; anglicized as Hymiskvitha, Hymiskvidha or Hymiskvida) is a poem collected in the Poetic Edda. The poem was first written down in the …
Hymiskviða - atozwiki.com
Hymiskvia Old Norse The lay of Hymir1 anglicized as Hymiskvitha Hymiskvidha or Hymiskvida is a poem collected in the Poetic Edda. The poem was first
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