Hogwarts wikipedia - Search
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  1. Houses

    When a first-year student arrives at Hogwarts, the magical Sorting Hat is placed on their head. It examines their mind and assigns them to a House based on their abilities, personality, and preferences. Hogwarts h… See more


    The novels mention twelve subjects which are taught at Hogwarts. Astronomy, Charms, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Herbology, History of Magic, Potions, and Transfiguration are required subjects for the first five ye… See more

    In film

    Hogwarts is featured in the Harry Potter film adaptations. England's Alnwick Castle was used for many scenes depicting exterior parts of the school. Shots of the entire school were created by adding a digital spire to ima… See more

    Cultural impact

    In 2008, the Independent Schools Network Rankings website featured Hogwarts on a list of the best schools in Scotland. Frank Tiarks, the managing director of the website, said Hogwarts was included on the list for fun. … See more

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