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Hofburg – Wikipedia
Die Hofburg zu Wien, historisch auch Kaiserliche Burg bzw. Wiener Burg, [1] war von 1279 bis 1918 (mit Unterbrechungen) die Residenz der Habsburger in …
- Estimated Reading Time: 8 mins
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Hofburg, Innsbruck - Wikipedia
The Hofburg (English: Court Castle) is a former Habsburg palace in Innsbruck, Austria, and considered one of the three most significant cultural buildings in …
- Estimated Reading Time: 10 mins
Hofburg – Wikipedia
Hofburg (tyska: Wiener Hofburg) är ett palats i Österrikes huvudstad Wien och är ett före detta kejserligt residens. Från 1438 till 1583 och från 1612 till 1806 var det säte för kungar och …
- Estimated Reading Time: 3 mins
Hofburg – Wikipedia
Hofburg on entinen keisarillinen palatsi Wienissä Itävallassa. Se oli kuuden ja puolen sadan vuoden ajan Habsburg-suvun residenssi, josta käsin hallittiin ensin Itävallan herttuakuntaa, …
- Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins
Hofburg – Wikipedija
Hofburg je kompleks imperijalnih palača u samom centru Beča i službena rezidencija predsjednika Republike Austrije. Od 1438. do 1583. i od 1612. do 1806. godine je zdanje …
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Hofburg – Wikipédia
Monumentális, tekintélyt sugárzó épületegyüttese évszázadok óta az osztrák főváros egyik dísze. A magját alkotó középkori várat a 13. században építették, és 1283, vagyis I. Albert német …
Hofburg – Wikipedija/Википедија
Hofburg je kompleks carskih rezidencija u centru Beča, zapravo je to pravi carski grad, s brojnim palačama, trgovima i parkovima za smještaj i rad carskog dvora i njegovih službenika.
Hofburg - Wikipedia
Hofburg je kraljevska palača u Beču, [1] koja je bila dom nekim od najmoćnijih ljudi u austrijskoj historiji, uključujući habsburšku dinastiju i vladare Austro-Ugarske. Trenutno služi kao …
Hofburg — Википедија
Hofburg je kompleks imperijalnih palata u samom centru Beča i zvanična rezidencija predsednika Republike Austrije. Od 1438. do 1583. i od 1612. do 1806. godine zdanje Hofburga bilo je …
Hofburg - Wikipedija, prosta enciklopedija
Palača Hofburg je bivša cesarska palača v središču mesta Dunaj, Avstrija. Del palače predstavlja uradno prebivališče in delovno mesto predsednika Avstrije.
Hofburg | History, Description, & Facts | Britannica
Hofburg, vast complex of buildings in the center of Vienna, Austria, that was the former imperial palace and winter palace of the Habsburg dynasty and has been since 1946 the official …
Hofburg - Wikipedia
Die Hofburg is 'n paleis in Wene. Dit was vanaf die dertiende eeu tot 1918 die residensie van die Habsburgse aartshertoë en later van die keisers van Heilige Romeinse Ryk en van Oostenryk. …
A brief history | The Hofburg | Sisi Museum
The Hofburg is the former residence of the Habsburg emperors and the current seat of the Austrian government. Learn about its origins, extensions, treasures and famous occupants, …
Hofburg (Viedeň) – Wikipédia
Hofburg (doslova Dvorný hrad) je zámok vo Viedni, niekdajšia rezidencia Habsburgovcov, vládcov Rakúsko-Uhorska. Od roku 1438 do roku 1583 a od roku 1612 do roku 1806 bol súčasne …
Hofburg - Wikipedia
Il complesso dell'Hofburg si trova a Vienna, nel distretto di Innere Stadt, ed è stato il centro del potere austriaco per più di sei secoli, insieme al più periferico e meno antico Castello di …
The Ultimate Visitor’s Guide to Hofburg ... - All About Vienna
Hofburg, also known as the Imperial Palace, is a sprawling complex located in the heart of Vienna, Austria. It has been the home of the powerful Habsburg dynasty for over six centuries, …
Hofburg (Innsbruck) - Everything you need to know in 2025
What is the Hofburg in Innsbruck and why is it significant? The Hofburg in Innsbruck, also known as Imperial Palace, is one of Austria’s most important cultural buildings. The palace was …
The beginnings – the medieval Hofburg - Die Welt der Habsburger
Though its beginnings were as modest as those of the House of Habsburg, over the centuries the Vienna Hofburg developed into one of the great palatial complexes of Europe. The original …
The Hofburg - Die Welt der Habsburger
The Vienna Hofburg is one of the most historically important architectural monuments in Europe: for centuries this imperial palace was the nerve centre of a world power, and the sprawling …
Hofburg, Innsbruck - Wikiwand
The Hofburg (English: Court Castle) is a former Habsburg palace in Innsbruck, Austria, and considered one of the three most significant cultural buildings in the country, along with the …