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Dren Hodja - Wikipedia
Dren Hodja (Albanian: Dren Hoxha; born 27 March 1994) is a professional footballer who plays as an attacking midfielder for German club FC Gießen. [1] Born in Germany, he represented …
- Estimated Reading Time: 3 mins
Nasreddin - Simple English Wikipedia, the free …
Nasreddin (/ næsˈrɛdɪn / [1]) or Nasreddin Hodja or Mulla Nasruddin (1208–1284) is a person in the folklore of the Islamic world. According to many sources, he was born in 1208 in the city of Sivrihisar, Province of Eskişehir, Turkey [2] and died …
Hoca - Wikipedia
Hoca [hoˈd͡ʒɑ], also rendered into English as hodja, is a Turkish word deriving from the Persian word خواجه khwāja, khâjeh, used as a title, given name or surname. As a honorific title, hoca …
- Estimated Reading Time: 40 secs
Up and Away (film) - Wikipedia
Young boy Hodja lives in the small town of Pjort, but dreams of traveling the world. So – against his father's wishes – Hodja makes a deal with his neighbour that lets him borrow his flying …
Nasr Eddin Hodja — Wikipédia
Nasr Eddin Hodja, parfois orthographié Nasreddin ou Nasreddine (en turc ottoman : نصر الدين خواجه, en arabe : نصرالدین جحا, en persan : خواجه نصرالدین), est un personnage mythique de la culture …
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Ahmad Yasawi - Wikipedia
Ahmad Yasawi (Kazakh: Қожа Ахмет Ясауи, romanized: Qoja Ahmet Iasaui, قوجا احمەت ياساۋٸ; Persian: خواجه احمد یسوی, romanized: Khwāje Ahmad-e Yasavī; 1093–1166) was a Turkic [1] [2] …
Skënder Hodja - Wikipedia
Skënder Hodja (born 30 May 1960) is an Albanian retired footballer. His former team is 17 Nëntori Tirana, where he played all of his career and won three league titles in a team boasting the …
hodja - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
Feb 25, 2025 · hodja (plural hodjas) A Muslim schoolmaster. The next night I heard two talking, under my window, of a terrible massacre of the Armenians that had just taken place in the …
Nasreddin hodja – Wikipedia
Nasreddin hodja (alternativt hodscha, turkiska hoca[1]) är en skämtfigur i den turkiska folklitteraturen, [1] ofta placerad i Timur Lenks [1] miljö runt år 1400. En mängd anekdoter, …
Enver Hodja - Wikipedia
Enver Hodja (uneori în română Enver Hogea, în albaneză Enver Hoxha, AFI /ɛn'vɛɾ 'hɔʤa/, pronunție (ajutor·info); n. 16 octombrie 1908, Gjirokastra, Regiunea Gjirokastër, Albania – d. 11 aprilie 1985, Tirana, Albania) a fost conducătorul …
Hodja – Wikipedia
Hodja eller Hodža är en äldre religiös titel som används för muslimska imamer och religionslärare (), föreläsare vid en madrassaskola [1].Det kan även vara titeln för rektorn vid samma skola. …
Hodja - Wikipedia, den frie encyklopædi
Hodja har flere betydninger: Hodja fra Pjort (flertydig) – en børnebog af Ole Lund Kirkegaard samt flere filmatiseringer; Enver Hoxha – en albansk kommunistisk politiker og statsleder
Хоџа — Википедија
Хоџа (тур. hodja, hoca) почасна је титула која се користи широм Средњег истока, јужне, југоисточне и средње Азије, нарочито међу суфијским учењацима. Ријеч поријеклом …
Nasreddin Hodja: A Cross-Cultural Icon of Wit and Wisdom
Nov 15, 2023 · Nasreddin Hodja, a beloved figure in the folklore of the Muslim world, has etched his presence through a myriad of witty short stories and satirical anecdotes.
ナスレッディン・ホジャ - Wikipedia
ナスレッディン・ホジャ (Nasreddin Hoca)は、 トルコ 民話 の登場人物。 トルコ人 の間で語り継がれる 頓智話 、小話の主人公であり、神話・伝説に現れる トリックスター の一人に挙 …
Skënder Hodja – Wikipedia
Skënder Hodja Personalia Geburtstag: 30. Mai 1960: Geburtsort: Albanien: Position: Mittelfeld: Herren Jahre: Station: Spiele (Tore) 1: 1984–1991 KF Tirana: Nationalmannschaft Jahre: …
Hodža - Wikipedia
Hodža (perzijski : خواجه xʷâjah) je počasna titula koja se koristi širom Bliskog istoka, južne Azije, jugoistočne Azije i centralne Azije, posebno prema sufijskim učiteljima. Koriste ga i kašmirski …
Hodža — Википедија
Hodža (tur. hodja, hoca) počasna je titula koja se koristi širom Srednjeg istoka, južne, jugoistočne i srednje Azije, naročito među sufijskim učenjacima. Riječ porijeklom vodi od persijske riječi …
What does hodja mean? - Definitions.net
hodja Khawaja (Persian: خواجه khvâjəh) is an honorific title used across the Middle East, South Asia, Southeast Asia and Central Asia, particularly towards Sufi teachers. It is also used by …
Hodja - Definition, Usage & Quiz | H | Dictionary | Ultimate Lexicon
Hodja (also spelled Hoja, Hoca, or Hodža) is a title used across various cultural contexts, primarily in Islamic countries. It traditionally refers to an educated person who teaches others, generally …