History of journalism wikipedia - Search
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  1. History of journalism - Wikipedia

    • The history of journalism spans the growth of technology and trade, marked by the advent of specialized techniques for gathering and disseminating information on a regular basis that has caused, as one history of journalism surmises, the steady increase of "the scope of news available to us and the speed with which it is transmitted". Before the pri… See more

    Early and basic journalism

    In 1556, the government of Venice first published the monthly Notizie scritte ("Written notices") which cost one gazzetta, a Venetian coin of the time, the name of which eventually came to mean "newspape… See more

    Revolutionary changes in the 19th century

    Newspapers in all major countries became much more important in the 19th century because of a series of technical, business, political, and cultural changes. High-speed presses and cheap wood-based newsprint made larg… See more

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