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Who was Henri Cartier-Bresson? Everything You Need to Know
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Remembering the Henri Cartier-Bresson …
Oct 14, 2011 · Henri Cartier-Bresson (1908–2004) is one of the most original, accomplished, influential, and beloved figures in the history of photography. His inventive work of the early 1930s …
Henri Cartier-Bresson - A Look at This …
Henri Cartier-Bresson divorced his wife of 30 years in 1967, and a year later, he began to drift away from photography as his artistic medium of choice. In 1970, Henri married Martine Franck, a …
Henri Cartier-Bresson - Trivia, Family, Bio - Famous Birthdays
During the early 1930s, he had an affair with entrepreneur Caresse Crosby that ended in the suicide of Crosby's publisher husband, Harry Crosby. His marriage to dancer Ratna Mohini …
- Place Of Birth: France
- Gender: m
- Born: Aug 22, 1908
Jan 17, 1993 · But his creativity took many forms over the course of his life. His love affair with photography began after he returned in 1931 from a year-long stay in Africa’s Ivory Coast. He …
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Department of Cultural Affairs-News
Jul 12, 2020 · In 1948–49 and 1958 Cartier-Bresson used captured on film historic upheavals in mainland China. His photographs show Chinese people going about their daily …
Henri Cartier-Bresson – The Modern Century
For more than twenty-five years, he was the keenest observer of the global theater of human affairs—and one of the great portraitists of the twentieth century.
Board - Fondation Henri Cartier-Bresson
Recognized as being of public interest by a decree published in the Journal Officiel on March 11th, 2002, the Fondation Henri Cartier-Bresson is governed by a board of twelve members, including four founding members:
Henri Cartier-Bresson: Gestapo Informer Identified, …
Sep 23, 2017 · However, in June 1940, he was taken prisoner by the German army and was held for more than three years, most of which were spent doing hard manual labour. He tried to escape three times and succeeded at the third …
Henri Cartier-Bresson: The Silent Intellectuel?
Nov 25, 2024 · I believe that French photographer Henri Cartier-Bresson is firmly an intellectuel, and while his work may lack in words, it is anything but silent. Jean-Pierre Montier has written …
Henri Cartier-Bresson | Paris Musées
Passionate about current affairs, Cartier-Bresson was a witness to several major historical events, such as the Liberation of Paris in August 1944 and May 68. He made a point of going straight …
Henri Cartier Bresson - Alchetron, The Free Social Encyclopedia
Sep 26, 2024 · Two years after Harry Crosby died by suicide, Cartier-Bresson's affair with Caresse Crosby ended in 1931, leaving him broken-hearted. During conscription he read …
Henri Cartier-Bresson: Master of the Decisive Moment - about …
Jan 30, 2022 · Discover the philosophy and techniques of Henri Cartier-Bresson, the pioneer of photojournalism and street photography. Learn to capture the decisive moment with minimal …
Henri Cartier-Bresson: The Modern Century - High Museum of Art
May 29, 2011 · For more than three decades Cartier-Bresson was the keenest observer of global human affairs and one of the great portraitists of the twentieth century. His groundbreaking …
Henri Cartier-Bresson - Encyclopedia Britannica
Henri Cartier-Bresson (born August 22, 1908, Chanteloup, France—died August 3, 2004, Céreste) was a French photographer whose humane, spontaneous photographs helped establish …
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Après la chute de Charles III le Simple, renversé par ses vassaux en 922, Henri I er de Germanie prend la direction de la Francie orientale, puis de la Lotharingie, commençant un lent …
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