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  1. Hazel
    Hazel1961–1966 · TV Show · 5 seasons
    OverviewCastEpisodesWatchCharactersPlotReviewsBest episodes
  2. Wikipedia
    Hazel (TV series) - Wikipedia
    Hazel is an American sitcom about a spunky live-in maid named Hazel Burke (played by Shirley Booth) and her employers, the Baxters. The five-season, 154-episode series aire…
    Bobby Buntrock
    Buntrock moved with his family to Keystone, South Dakota, where he gra…
    Ray Fulmer
    Raymond Stover Fulmer was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on Februar…
    Julia Benjamin
    Julia Benjamin (born February 21, 1957) is a retired American film and televisio…
    List of Hazel Episodes
    Hazel wants half of the state's botanical garden changed to a playground for th…
    Don DeFore
    DeFore was one of seven children born in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, to Joseph Ervin D…
    Whitney Blake
    Whitney Blake (born Nancy Ann Whitney; February 20, 1926 – September 28, 20…
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