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  2. Ecology

    Crepis species are used as food plants by the larvae of some Lepidoptera species including the broad-barred white moth. The fly Tephritis formosa is known to attack the capitula of this plant.
    Seeds of C… See more


    Crepis can reproduce sexually or asexually. Crepis is insect-pollinated, typically by bees and other generalist pollinators. Species in this genus are able to produce viable seeds through hybridization. Some of these hybrids (de… See more


    In Crete, Greece the leaves of Crepis commutata which are called glykosyrida (γλυκοσυρίδα) are eaten raw, boiled, steamed or browned in salads. Another two species on the same island, Crepis vesicaria, … See more

    Secondary metabolites

    The genus Crepis is a rich source of costus lactone-type guaianolides, a class of sesquiterpene lactones.
    Phenolics found in Crepis include luteolin-type flavonoids and caffeoyl quinic acid derivatives … See more

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