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New Zealand Globster - Wikipedia
A whale carcass, initially unidentified due to decomposition, was found washed ashore at Muriwai Beach, 42 kilometres from the centre of Auckland in New Zealand, in March 1965. At some …
- Estimated Reading Time: 3 mins
List of Globsters and Blobs | Cryptid Wiki | Fandom
- A globster is an unidentified mass that washes up ashore. However, not all of them are cryptids: some are confirmed to be a known species. The most famous is the Montauk monster, a small creature.
Tasmanian Globster - Wikipedia
The Tasmanian Globster was a large unidentified carcass that washed ashore 2 miles (3.2 kilometres) north of Interview River in western Tasmania, in August …
- Estimated Reading Time: 1 min
Globsters: Mysterious Marine Monster Masses - Live …
May 21, 2014 · Even though none have been found alive, some people believe they have been found dead — in the form of globsters. A globster is a huge, …
- Estimated Reading Time: 6 mins
What Is a Globster? Giant Sea 'Monster' Washes Up …
May 15, 2018 · The term globster refers to blob-like creatures without obvious eyes and bones, or a visibly distinct head. Cryptozoologists attribute the term to British biologist Ivan Terence Sanderson. He...
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Globster – Wikipedia
Als Globster bzw. Blob (englisch: ‚Klumpen‘) bezeichnet man große, knochenlose und gummiartige Kadaver, die an verschiedenen Stellen des Meeres an den Strand gespült wurden.
Globster - Wikipedia
Een globster is een ongeïdentificeerde organische massa die is aangespoeld aan land of drijft in de zee. Deze organische massa's missen dikwijls botten en ogen en zijn daarom lastig …
What is a globster? - Fun Trivia
Sep 1, 2024 · The term "globster" was coined by Ivan T. Sanderson in 1962 to describe the Tasmanian carcass of 1960, which was said to have "no visible eyes, no defined head, and no …
Globster - Unidentified Carcass On The Shoreline
Feb 6, 2017 · What is a Globster? A Globster (or a blob) is an unidentified carcass that washes up on the sea shore. Controversies often arise over these smelly lumps of flesh, as biologists and cryptologists battle for the right to attach …
Found: A Mysterious ‘Globster’ Washed Ashore in the …
May 18, 2018 · The Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources has determined that the latest globster is a decomposing whale, but will have to wait for DNA analysis and dissection to zero in on the species.
Globster - Monstropedia
A globster is an unidentified carcass washed up on the shore of an ocean or other body of water, or found in the stomach of a whale. In the past these were often described as sea monsters, …
Category:Globsters - Wikipedia
A globster is an unidentified organic object washed up on a seashore. The following 13 pages are in this category, out of 13 total. This list may not reflect recent changes.
The Cryptid Zoo: Globsters
"Globster" is a technical term used by cryptozoologists to refer to mysterious carcasses that originate in a watery environment. Mostly, globsters come from the ocean, though some are …
10 Mysterious Creatures That Washed Up On Beaches - BuzzFeed
Jul 22, 2014 · Unlike ordinary beached sea creatures, globsters have such perplexing appearances that their identities remain a mystery (or controversy) even after scientific …
Globster | Cryptid Wiki - Fandom
A Globster, or Blob, is an unidentified organic mass that washes up on the shoreline of an ocean or other body of water. The term was coined by Ivan T. Sanderson in 1962 to describe the …
Chōshi Globster | Cryptid Wiki | Fandom
The Chōshi Globster is the carcass of a mysterious large creature that has been reported multiple times from the shores of Chōshi City in Chiba Prefecture, Japan. On or about May 26, 2018, …
Globster - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A globster, or blob, is an unidentified organic mass that washes up on the shoreline of an ocean or other body of water. The term was coined by Ivan T. Sanderson in 1962 to describe the …
Globster - NamuWiki
Apr 28, 2024 · This refers to the whale carcass discovered on Muriwai Beach in New Zealand in 1965. The identity of this whale carcass was unknown due to decomposition, and it was …
글롭스터 - 나무위키
Apr 28, 2024 · 글롭스터(globster) [1] 또는 블롭(blob)은 바다나 다른 수역의 해안선으로 밀려오는 미확인 유기 덩어리이다. 대부분의 글롭스터는 생물의 사체와의 분류를 육안으로 확인이 …