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Ghent - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Gent is a municipality in the Belgian province of East Flanders. In 2019, 262,219 people lived there. [1] It is at 51°3′N 3°44′E. [2] Ghent is known for its cultural landmarks and punk rock …
- Estimated Reading Time: 2 mins
Ghent | Belgium, Map, History, Population, & Facts
Feb 25, 2025 · One of Belgium’s oldest cities and the historic capital of Flanders, Ghent was powerful, well-organized in its wealthy trade guilds, and virtually …
Saint Nicholas Church, Ghent - Wikipedia
St. Nicholas Church (Dutch: Sint-Niklaaskerk) is a Roman Catholic church, as well as one of the oldest and most prominent landmarks in Ghent, Belgium.
- Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins
Vrijdagmarkt, Ghent - Wikipedia
The Vrijdagmarkt (Dutch pronunciation: [ˈvrɛidɑxmɑr (ə)kt]; "Friday Market") is a city square in the historic centre of Ghent, East Flanders, Belgium. It is named after the weekly tradition to stage …
- Estimated Reading Time: 1 min
Gand - Wikipedia
Gand fu la capitale dell'antica contea delle Fiandre, spesso rivale di Bruges, e città natale di Carlo V. Importante nodo ferroviario, dispone anche di un porto fluviale che, attraverso una serie di …
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Gent–Wevelgem - Wikipedia
Gent–Wevelgem, officially Gent–Wevelgem – In Flanders Fields, [1] is a road cycling race in Belgium, held annually since 1934. It is one of the classic races part of the Flemish Cycling Week, run in late March on the last Sunday before …
Museum of Fine Arts, Ghent - Wikipedia
The Museum of Fine Arts (Dutch: Museum voor Schone Kunsten, MSK) an art museum in Ghent, Belgium, is situated at the East side of the Citadelpark (near the Stedelijk Museum voor …
Church of St. Stefanus, Ghent - Wikipedia
The Church of St. Stefanus (Dutch: Sint-Stefanuskerk) is a Catholic parish church in Ghent, Belgium, part of an Augustinian monastery. [1] It is dedicated to Saint Stephen. The present …
Gent - Wikipedia
Gent sau Gand (în neerlandeză Gent [ɣɛnt], în franceză Gand [gɑ̃], în engleză Ghent [gent]) este un oraș neerlandofon situat în provincia Flandra de Est, regiunea Flandra din Belgia. La 1 …
A. J. Ghent - Wikipedia
A.J. Ghent [ j-ent ], also known as Aubrey Ghent Jr., (born September 18, 1986, in Fort Pierce, Florida) is a third-generation singer-songwriter, Record producer and lap and pedal steel guitar …
Ghent – Travel guide at Wikivoyage
Ghent (Dutch: Gent, French: Gand) is a city in East Flanders in Belgium. Ghent is a city with a population of 265,000 in 2020, with rich history. During the Middle Ages, Ghent was one of the …
Gante - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Gante (en neerlandés: Gent; en francés: Gand) es una ciudad de Bélgica, capital de la provincia de Flandes Oriental, en la Región Flamenca. Está situada en la confluencia de los ríos Lys y …
Gante – Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre
Indícios arqueológicos mostram presença humana na região de confluência da Escalda com o Lys, anterior à própria Idade da Pedra e à Idade do Ferro. A maioria dos historiadores acredita …
Ghent - Wikipedia
Questa è una pagina di disambiguazione; se sei giunto qui cliccando un collegamento, puoi tornare indietro e correggerlo, indirizzandolo direttamente alla voce giusta. Vedi anche le voci …
Gent - Vikipedi
Gent (Felemenkçe: Gent, Fransızca: Gand), Belçika'nın doğu Flandre ilinde yer alan bir şehir ve aynı zamanda Flandre'nin Doğu Flandre ilinin başkentidir. Ülkenin kuzeybatısında yer alan …
根特 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
根特 (荷蘭語: Gent, 荷兰语发音: [ɣɛnt] (ⓘ);法語: Gand, 法语发音: [ɡɑ̃] (ⓘ);德語: Gent, 德语发音: [ɡɛnt] (ⓘ)), 比利时 弗拉芒大区 东佛兰德省 城市,同时也是该 …
Gent – Wikipedia
Gent (fransk: Gand) er en bykommune i den belgiske provinsen Øst-Flandern. I middelalderen var Gent den nest største byen i Nord-Europa etter Paris, på grunn av sin store tekstilproduksjon. …
Gandawa – Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia
ɡ ɑ̃ ( odsłuchaj)) – miasto w północno-zachodniej Belgii, w Regionie Flamandzkim, siedziba administracyjna prowincji Flandria Wschodnia, oraz okręgu Gandawa. Leży przy ujściu rzeki …
Gent - Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas
Gent merupakan ibu kota dan kota terbesar di Provinsi Flandria Timur. Kota ini diawali sebagai permukiman di pertemuan Sungai Scheldt dan Lys dan menjadi salah satu kota terbesar dan …
Ghent, more than a one night stay - Visit Gent
Quirky Ghent offers a fascinating cultural cocktail brimming with trendy, modern urban life. Ghent is a city where people enjoy life: a chilled-out place where anything goes and a city that feels …
Mapping Ghent’s cultural heritage: a place-based approach
5 days ago · In Flanders, initiatives like Collections of Ghent (2020–2023) are an example of this approach. 3 Through collaboration between cultural heritage organisations and residents, …
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