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Gens Julia - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
La gens Julia fue un conjunto de familias de la Antigua Roma que compartían el nomen «Iulius». Los primeros Julios fueron de extracción patricia y aparecen …
- Estimated Reading Time: 3 mins
Gens Julia - Wikipedia
This page was last edited on 27 April 2020, at 14:39 (UTC).; Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 License; additional terms may ...
List of Roman gentes - Wikipedia
The gens (plural gentes) was a Roman family, of Italic or Etruscan origins, consisting of all those individuals who shared the same nomen and claimed descent from a common ancestor. It was …
- Estimated Reading Time: 2 mins
Julii Caesares - Wikipedia
The Julii Caesares were the most illustrious family of the patrician gens Julia. The family first appears in history during the Second Punic War, when Sextus …
- Estimated Reading Time: 8 mins
Gens Julia - Wikipedia
De gens Julia (Latijn: gens Iulia Volk van Julus) was een belangrijke patricische familie uit het oude Rome, die volgens overgeleverde bronnen afkomstig was uit Alba Longa. Zij beriepen …
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Gens Julia – Wikipedia
Gens Julia, gens Iulia, Iulii, eller Julianska ätten, var en framstående tidig romersk patricersläkt, som kom från Alba Longa. Dess namn fick släkten från en påstådd anfader, Iulus, som enligt …
Gens Iulia - Wikipedia
La gens Iulia (talvolta italianizzato in gens Giulia) fu un'antichissima gens romana, di cui fanno parte alcuni tra i personaggi più influenti dello Stato, e di cui viene esaltata leggendariamente …
Julia (gens) – Wikipedia
Byste av Julius Cæsar, den mest berømte fra gens Julia, en etterligning fra 1500-tallet fra en original fra 100-tallet. Gens Julia, gens Iulia, Iulii, eller den julianske slekt, var en framstående …
Julia (gens) - Vikipedio
La romia klano gens Julia aŠIulia estis unu el la plej antikvaj patriciaj familioj de Antikva Romo. Membroj de la gens atingis la plej altajn postenojn de la ŝtato en la plej fruaj tempoj de la …
Junia gens - Wikipedia
The gens Junia or Iunia was one of the most celebrated families of ancient Rome. The gens may originally have been patrician, and was already prominent in the last days of the Roman …
Julio-Claudian family tree - Wikipedia
The Claudii were a powerful gens with consuls and other high ranking politicians in several of its families across several generations. In this generation the first marriages between Claudii and …
Category : Gens Julia - Wikimedia
Italiano: La gens Giulia (o Iulia, o Julia) fu un'antichissima gens romana. Famiglia patrizia , la sua condizione nel corso dei secoli successivi dovette seguire alterne vicende, tenuto conto che il …
Julio-Claudian dynasty - Wikipedia
The Julio-Claudian dynasty comprised the first five Roman emperors: Augustus, Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius, and Nero. [2] This line of emperors ruled the Roman Empire, from its …
Julia gens - acearchive.org
Feb 24, 2023 · The Gens Julia was one of the most important patrician families in ancient Rome, producing the famous Julius Caesar and other prominent figures. The family originated from …
Gens Julia | The Roman Empire Wiki | Fandom
The Gens Julia (Latin: Gens Iulia) is the most prestigious and influential noble family in the Roman Empire, directly tied to the imperial lineage of Emperor Gaius Augustus Caesar. The family …
Julia gens - Detailed Pedia
The gens Julia was one of the most prominent patrician families in ancient Rome. Members of the gens attained the highest dignities of the state in the earliest times of the Republic. The first of …
Algorithms - Gens Julia
Generic algorithms for Julia. awesome-algorithms : a curated list of awesome places to learn and/or practice algorithms. BeautifulAlgorithms.jl : Concise and beautiful algorithms written in …
Julia gens - atozwiki.com
The gens Julia was one of the most prominent patrician families in ancient Rome. Members of the gens attained the highest dignities of the state in the earliest times of the Republic. The first of …
Julia gens - Wikiwand
The gens Julia was one of the most prominent patrician families in ancient Rome. Members of the gens attained the highest dignities of the state in the earliest times of the Republic. The first of …
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