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Gang - Wikipedia
A gang is a group or society of associates, friends, or members of a family with a defined leadership and internal organization that identifies with or claims control over territory in a community and engages, either individually or collectively, in illegal, and possibly violent, behavior, with such behavior often constituting a … See more
The word gang derives from the past participle of Old English gan, meaning 'to go'. It is cognate with Old Norse gangr, meaning 'journey'. … See more
Different gangs and criminal syndicates have various roles and members. Most are typically divided into:
• Boss: known in some groups as leader, elder, don, oyabun, … See moreIn discussing the banditry in American history, Barrington Moore, Jr. suggests that gangsterism as a "form of self-help which victimizes others" may appear in societies which lack … See more
Many types of gangs make up the general structure of an organized group. Understanding the structure of gangs is a critical skill to … See more
The United Nations estimates that gangs make most of their money through the drugs trade, which is thought to be worth $352 billion in total. The See more
Gang violence refers mostly to the illegal and non-political acts of violence perpetrated by gangs against civilians, other gangs, law enforcement officers, firefighters, or military personnel. A gang war is a type of small war that occurs when two gangs … See more
Wikipedia text under CC-BY-SA license Gang | Definition, History, & Facts | Britannica
- gang, a group of persons, usually youths, who share a common identity and who generally engage in criminal behaviour. In contrast to the criminal behaviour of other youths, the activities of gangs are characterized by some level of organization and continuity over time. There is no consensus on the exact definition of a gang, however, and scholars ...
Gang - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Learn about gangs, groups of people who do things together, often involving crimes. Find out how gangs identify themselves, use graffiti, and commit …
- Estimated Reading Time: 3 mins
Felony Lane Gang - Wikipedia
The Felony Lane Gang is an organized crime gang that has been based in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, in the United States.
Wikipedia · Text under CC-BY-SA licenseGang – Wikipedia tiếng Việt
Gang (tiếng Anh: cast iron) là một nhóm vật liệu hợp kim sắt– carbon có hàm lượng carbon lớn hơn 2,14%. [1] Tính hữu dụng của gang nhờ vào nhiệt độ nóng chảy tương đối thấp của nó.
- Estimated Reading Time: 11 mins
Gang Gang Dance - Wikipedia
Gang Gang Dance is an American band based in Manhattan, New York City. They are known for their distinctive sound which blends elements of psych-rock, ambient electronics, hip-hop, and …
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Gang-gang cockatoo - Wikipedia
The gang-gang cockatoo (Callocephalon fimbriatum) is a parrot found in the cooler and wetter forests and woodlands of Australia, particularly alpine bushland.It is the only species placed in the genus Callocephalon.Mostly mild …
Gang Gang (Polo G and Lil Wayne song) - Wikipedia
"Gang Gang" (stylized in all caps) is a song by American rappers Polo G and Lil Wayne. It was released as a single on May 21, 2021, as the fourth single from Polo's third studio album, Hall of Fame. [1] The song was written by the two …
Gangs Wiki - Fandom
Welcome to the Gangs Wiki! The wiki focuses on the various gangs that exist in real life. Everyone is free to edit it. 122 articles since (Month) (Year)
Liste d'organisations criminelles — Wikipédia
Gang des souris vertes, association de malfaiteurs qui a commis de nombreux vols aggravés entre 2003 et 2006; Gang des Lyonnais, bande organisée de braqueurs qui fut active dans la …
Gang – Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia
Gang – wieloczłonowa, hierarchiczna struktura, której celem jest prowadzenie ciągłej działalności przestępczej i czerpanie z niej zysków. Charakteryzuje się wyraźnym podziałem zadań między członkami. Cechą wyróżniającą gang jest …
Gangster Disciples - Simple English Wikipedia, the free …
The Gangster Disciples are an American street and prison gang. They were formed on the South Side of Chicago. [1] The gang was established in 1968. Almost all the members of the gang …
Prison gang - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A Prison gang is a gang within a prison. The Brotherhood, prison gang. References. Oxford; List of prison gangs. Nazi Lowriders; The Brotherhood This page was last changed on 4 March …
Psycho Gang Family/PGF | WindyCityRP Wiki | Fandom
L/A Subsets: Psycho Gang Family OTN / Only The Nine Splack4Moe / KeemoWorld Opps: Fro Gang Score (2-2) ⏸️ 039 Murdatown (0-0) Members: Lul Fully - 2x Tali Glokk Bandoe Mally …
Gäng – Wikipedia
Ett gäng är en grupp människor eller ett hemligt sällskap som delar en gemensam identitet, även om den identiteten ibland inte är mer än själva associationen till varandra. Ett gäng kan bestå …
Gang de la Brise de mer — Wikipédia
Le gang de la Brise de mer est un groupement criminel corse actif depuis la fin des années 1970 qui doit son nom à celui d'un bar [1] du vieux port de Bastia, en Haute-Corse, lieu de réunion …
Gang - Wikipedia
Gang kan verwijzen naar: gang (bouw): ruimte in een gebouw (doorloop, overloop) vergelijkbare ruimte op een andere plek, bijvoorbeeld: onderaardse gang; gang (steeg) brandgang; …
Happy Gang – Wikipédia
A Happy Gang, Magyarország egyik legsikeresebb popegyüttese. 1996-ban a "Kérek egy kulcsot a szívedhez" című daluk az ország legtöbbet játszott hazai felvétele volt. Nyertek Bravo OTTO …
Gang nach Canossa – Wikipedia
Als Gang nach Canossa bezeichnet man den Bitt- und Bußgang des römisch-deutschen Königs Heinrich IV. von Dezember 1076 bis Januar 1077 zu Papst Gregor VII. zur Burg Canossa, wo …
Gang bang – Wikipedia tiếng Việt
Gang bang là một tình huống trong đó một số người, thường là nhiều hơn ba người, tham gia vào hoạt động tình dục với một người cụ thể theo trình tự hoặc cùng một lúc. [1]
Chain gang – Wikipedia
Chain gang (bokstavligt kedjegäng) är en grupp fångar sammansatta med kedja för att utföra enformigt eller fysiskt utmattande arbete som en typ av straffarbete.
Kool & the Gang - Wikipedia, den frie encyklopædi
Kool & the Gang er en amerikansk jazz / R&B / soul / funk / disco-gruppe. Gruppen blev oprindeligt dannet i Jersey City, New Jersey, USA i 1964.
Grandis Gang | Nadia The Secret of Blue Water Wiki | Fandom
Grandis Gang; Characters. Characters; Marie en Carlsberg; Grandis Granva; Nadia; Females; Males; King; Episodes. Nadia The Motion Pictures; Marie's Island; Nadia Episode 01; Nadia …