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Learn more about Bing search results hereMain body section of an aircraftOrganizing and summarizing search results for you2 Sources
Wikipediahttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FuselageFuselage - WikipediaThe fuselage (/ ˈfjuːzəlɑːʒ /; from the French fuselé "spindle-shaped") is an aircraft 's main body section. It holds crew, passengers, or cargo.Wikipediahttps://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/FuselageFuselage — WikipédiaLe fuselage est le point d'attache de la voilure et de l' empennage ainsi que, fréquemment, le train d'atterrissage. Il peut aussi contenir tout ou partie du groupe motopropulseur. - See all on Wikipedia
Fuselage - Wikipedia
The fuselage is an aircraft's main body section. It holds crew, passengers, or cargo. In single-engine aircraft, it will usually contain an engine as well, although in some amphibious aircraft the single engine is mounted on a pylon attached to the fuselage, which in turn is used as a floating hull. The fuselage also serves … See more
Cockpit windshields on the Airbus A320 must withstand bird strikes up to 350 kn (650 km/h) and are made of chemically strengthened glass. They are usually composed of three layers or plies, of glass or plastic : the inner two are 8 mm (0.3 in.) thick each and are … See more
"Flying wing" aircraft, such as the Northrop YB-49 Flying Wing and the Northrop B-2 Spirit bomber have no separate fuselage; instead what would be the fuselage is a thickened portion of the wing structure.
Conversely, there have been a small number of aircraft … See more• Interior rear-end of the main passenger level on an Airbus A340, showing the rear bulkhead as well as a doorway opening
• Rough Boeing 747 interior airframe
• Fuselage of a CubCrafters … See moreWikipedia text under CC-BY-SA license Twin-fuselage aircraft - Wikipedia
42 rows · A twin-fuselage aircraft has two main fuselages. It is distinct from the twin-boom …
- Estimated Reading Time: 7 mins
See all 42 rows on en.wikipedia.orgTYPE COUNTRY CLASS ROLE Anadva Type V.H. Russia Propeller Light bomber Belyayev DB-LK USSR Propeller Bomber Bestetti BN.1 Italy Propeller Private Blackburn T.B. UK Propeller Patrol
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Fuselage - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The fuselage (from the French fuselé, meaning "spindle-shaped") is the main body section of an aircraft. It holds the crew and passengers or cargo , as well as an engine in many cases. It is …
Fuselage — Wikipédia
See more on fr.wikipedia.orgLe fuselage1 est la carcasse en forme de fuseau constituant le corps d'un avion ou d'un planeur et dont la forme facilite la pénétration dans l'air. Il est, avec la voilure2, l'empennage et le train d'atterrissage, un constituant de la cellule d'un aérodyne. Il est aménagé pour contenir la charge utile transportée, ainsi que le poste d'équip…- Estimated Reading Time: 6 mins
Southwest Airlines Flight 1380 - Wikipedia
The aircraft involved was a Boeing 737-7H4 [b] with manufacturer's serial number 27880, fuselage line number 601, and registered as N772SW. [3] The aircraft had been in …
Chrysler C platform - Wikipedia
In 1969, Chrysler redesigned the C-Body platform to incorporate its new "Fuselage" styling that brought the upper and lower sections of body into one uniformly shaped design, in turn …
Eviation Alice - Wikipedia
The Eviation Alice is an electric aircraft designed to accommodate nine passengers and two crew members. First developed in Israel, [3] its construction incorporates 95% composite material, …
Fixed-wing aircraft - Wikipedia
A fuselage, typically a long, thin body, usually with tapered or rounded ends to make its shape aerodynamically slippery. The fuselage joins the other parts of the air frame and contains the …
Fuselage | Bomber Crew Wiki | Fandom
Fuselage is the actual airframe of your bomber. If the wings are destroyed, the engines, landing gears, and fuel tanks, will fall off. If the body fuselage is destroyed, the bomber will break …
Fuselaje - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
El fuselaje es uno de los elementos estructurales principales de un avión; en su interior se sitúan la cabina de mando, la cabina de pasajeros y las bodegas de carga, además de diversos …
Airbus A300 — Wikipédia
L'Airbus A300 est une famille d'avions de ligne à large fuselage construits par Airbus de 1972 à 2007. L'A300 est à l'origine de la création du groupe Airbus et constitue son premier modèle commercialisé.
Avion-fusée — Wikipédia
Le terme d' avion-fusée désigne un avion propulsé par un moteur-fusée. Ce moteur permet d'atteindre des vitesses nettement supérieures qu'avec tout autre type de propulsion. Il est …
Transair Flight 810 - Wikipedia
Transair Flight 810 was a Boeing 737-200 converted freighter aircraft, owned and operated by Rhoades Aviation under the Transair trade name, on a short cargo flight en route from …
Фюзелаж – Уикипедия
Фюзелаж (на френски: fuselage, от fuseau – вретено) е наименование на тяло (корпус) на летателен апарат (самолет). Френското наименования е прието в английски език – …
胴体 (航空) - Wikipedia
航空機の胴体(どうたい、英語: Fuselage 、「 [ˈ f juː z əl ɑː ʒ];からフランス語 fuselé「紡錘状」」)であり、航空機の本体部分で、 乗務員 (英語版) 、旅客または貨物を運ぶ。
Sayap - Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas
Sayap (pesawat) adalah airfoil yang disambungkan di masing-masing sisi fuselage dan merupakan permukaan yang mengangkat pesawat di udara. Terdapat berbagai macam …
Airbus A220 — Wikipédia
L'Airbus A220, initialement Bombardier CSeries, est un avion de ligne civil à 5 sièges de front conçu par l'avionneur canadien Bombardier Aéronautique et produit par Airbus depuis 2012. …
Longeron (aéronautique) — Wikipédia
Le terme longeron désigne les éléments longitudinaux du fuselage ainsi que les éléments longitudinaux de l'aile, des plans fixes et des gouvernes. Les deux premiers, contrairement …
Fuselage - Wikiwand
Le fuselage est la carcasse en forme de fuseau constituant le corps d'un avion ou d'un planeur et dont la forme facilite la pénétration dans l'air [1]. La forme d'un fuselage est étudiée pour …
Fuselage - Official Brawlhalla Wiki
Fuselage is one of the Weapon skins in the game Brawlhalla. This weapon skin is Vector's default Lance skin - this means it can only be equipped by Vector. Click an image to view it in higher …