French alexandrine wikipedia - Search
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  1. French alexandrine - Wikipedia

    • The French alexandrine (French: alexandrin) is a syllabic poetic metre of (nominally and typically) 12 syllables with a medial caesura dividing the line into two hemistichs (half-lines) of six syllables each. It was the dominant long line of French poetry from the 17th through the 19th century, and influenced many other European literatures which developed alexandrin… See more

    12th to 15th centuries

    According to verse historian Mikhail Gasparov, the French alexandrine developed from the Ambrosian octosyllable,
    by gradually losing the final two syllables,
    then doubling this line in a syllabic context with phrasa… See more

    16th to 18th centuries

    The alexandrine was resurrected in the middle of the 16th century by the poets of the Pléiade, notably Étienne Jodelle (tragedy), Guillaume de Salluste Du Bartas (narrative), Jean-Antoine de Baïf (lyric), and Pierre de R… See more

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