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List of flexors of the human body - Wikipedia
In anatomy, flexor is a muscle that contracts to perform flexion (from the Latin verb flectere, to bend), a movement that decreases the angle between the bones converging at a joint. For example, one's elbow joint flexes when one brings their hand closer to the shoulder, thus decreasing the angle between … See more
Upper limb
• of the humerus bone (the bone in the upper arm) at the shoulder
• of the See moreWikipedia text under CC-BY-SA license Flexor digitorum profundus muscle - Wikipedia
The flexor digitorum profundus or flexor digitorum communis profundus is a muscle in the forearm of humans that flexes the fingers (also known as digits). It is considered an extrinsic hand muscle because it acts on the hand while its muscle belly is located in the forearm.
Together the flexor pollicis longus, pronator quadratus, and flexor digitorum pro…Wikipedia · Text under CC-BY-SA license- Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins
Flexor carpi radialis muscle - Wikipedia
The flexor carpi radialis is one of four muscles in the superficial layer of the anterior compartment of the forearm. This muscle originates from the medial epicondyle of the humerus as part of …
- Estimated Reading Time: 2 mins
Flexor digitorum longus muscle - Wikipedia
The flexor digitorum longus muscle or flexor digitorum communis longus[1] is situated on the tibial side of the leg. At its origin it is thin and pointed, but it gradually increases in size as it …
- Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins
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Flexor pollicis longus muscle - Wikipedia
The flexor pollicis longus (/ ˈflɛksər ˈpɒlɪsɪs ˈlɒŋɡəs /; FPL, Latin flexor, bender; pollicis, of the thumb; longus, long) is a muscle in the forearm and hand that flexes the thumb. It lies in the …
- Estimated Reading Time: 7 mins
Category:Hip flexors - Wikipedia
This is a category for muscles whose contractions produce flexion of the hip joint (the anterior femur moving upward through the head's rotation in the pelvis), the topic of hip flexion and …
- More about flexornounanatomy
- a muscle whose contraction bends a limb or other part of the body. Often contrasted with extensor
Anatomical terms of motion - Wikipedia
Flexion and extension are movements that affect the angle between two parts of the body. These terms come from the Latin words with the same meaning. [a] Flexion is a bending movement that decreases the angle between a segment …
髂肌 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
髂 ( qià ) 肌(英語: Iliacus muscle ),是胯屈肌群(英語: hip flexors )群的其中一块,源于 髂嵴 ( 英语 : Iliac crest ) ,往下朝大腿上部生长,附于 股骨小转子 ( 英语 : Lesser trochanter ) ,与腰大肌合为一块肌肉,称为 髂 …
Zehenbeugemuskulatur – Wikipedia
Die langen Zehenbeugemuskeln haben ihren Muskelbauch am Unterschenkel (weshalb sie auch zu den „extrinsischen“ Muskeln zählen, die nicht im Bereich des Fußes liegen) und besitzen …
flexor - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
Feb 23, 2025 · flexor (plural flexors) A muscle whose contraction acts to bend a joint or limb.
Mușchiul flexor superficial al degetelor - Wikipedia
Mușchiul flexor superficial al degetelor (Musculus flexor digitorum superficialis) sau mușchiul flexor comun superficial al degetelor este un mușchi lung, fusiform, gros și lățit antero …
Flexor - definition of flexor by The Free Dictionary
Define flexor. flexor synonyms, flexor pronunciation, flexor translation, English dictionary definition of flexor. n. A muscle that when contracted acts to bend a joint or limb in the body. American …
Musculus flexor hallucis longus – Wikipedia
Der Musculus flexor hallucis longus (lat. für „langer Großzehenbeuger“) ist ein Skelettmuskel und einer der Zehenbeugemuskeln. Er ist der stärkste der tiefen Beuger.
Musculus flexor hallucis longus - Wikipedia
De musculus flexor hallucis longus[1] of lange groteteenbuiger[2] is een van de twee skeletspieren die de grote teen naar beneden buigen (flexie). De andere is de musculus flexor hallucis …
List of flexors of the human body - Wikiwand
In anatomy, flexor is a muscle that contracts to perform flexion (from the Latin verb flectere, to bend), a movement that decreases the angle between the bones converging at a joint. For …
Flexion (Medizin) – Wikipedia
Als Flexor oder Beuger bezeichnet man einen Skelettmuskel, der die Beugung eines Gelenks vollzieht.
Musculus flexor pollicis longus - Wikipedia
De musculus flexor pollicis longus is een spier in de onderarm en de hand die zorgt voor flexie van de duim en ligt in hetzelfde vlak als de musculus flexor digitorum profundus.
ปลายแขน - วิกิพีเดีย
In most cases, the extrinsic anterior muscles are flexors, while the extrinsic posterior muscles are extensors. The Brachioradialis, flexor of the forearm, is unusual in that it is located in the …
屈筋 - Wikipedia
屈筋 (くっきん、 英 : flexor muscle)とは、 骨格筋 のうち、主に腕や脚などを曲げる時に使用される筋肉の総称 [1]。 骨格筋は屈筋と 伸筋 に分けられ、両者は拮抗する関係にある [1]。 …
浅指屈筋 - Wikipedia
浅指屈筋 (せんしくっきん、 英語: flexor digitorum superficialis muscle)は 人間 の 上肢 の 筋肉 で第2〜5指PIP関節の屈曲、 手関節 の掌屈を行う。 上腕尺骨頭 (上腕骨 内側上顆 、 尺骨粗 …
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