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Facebook - Wikipedia
Facebook is a social media and social networking service owned by the American technology conglomerate Meta. Created in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg with four other Harvard College students and roommates, Eduardo Saverin, Andrew McCollum, Dustin Moskovitz, and Chris Hughes, its name derives from the … See more
The history of Facebook traces its growth from a college networking site to a global social networking service.
Mark Zuckerberg built a website called "Facemash" in 2003 … See moreTechnical aspects
The site's primary color is blue as Zuckerberg is red–green colorblind, a realization that occurred after a test taken around 2007. … See moreFacebook's importance and scale has led to criticisms in many domains. Issues include Internet privacy, excessive retention of user information, its facial recognition See more
Facebook posts can have an unlimited number of characters, with images and videos.
Users can "friend" users, both sides must agree to being friends. Posts can be changed to be seen by everyone (public), friends, people in a … See moreUserbase
Facebook's rapid growth began as soon as it became available and continued through 2018, before … See moreWikipedia text under CC-BY-SA license History of Facebook - Wikipedia
166 rows · Learn how Facebook evolved from a college …
- Estimated Reading Time: 7 mins
See all 166 rows on en.wikipedia.orgYEAR MONTH AND DATE (IF A… EVENT TYPE EVENT 2023 November 7 Legal A former Meta employee, Arturo Bejar, ... 2018 April 26 Legal Facebook CTO Mike Schroepfer is grilled ... 2018 April 10–11 Legal Mark Zuckerberg attends his first ... 2018 March 17–26 Controversy A whistleblower reveals that British ...
Facebook - Simple English Wikipedia, the free …
Learn about Facebook, a social networking service and website started in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg and his college friends. Find out how Facebook works, …
- Estimated Reading Time: 6 mins
Meta Platforms - Wikipedia
Meta Platforms, Inc., formerly known as Facebook, Inc., is a technology conglomerate that owns Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and other products. Learn about its history, …
Facebook | Overview, History, Controversies, & Facts …
Feb 27, 2025 · Learn about Facebook, the online social media platform and social network service that is part of Meta Platforms. Find out how it started, how it grew, and what controversies it faced.
Facebook - Wikipedia
Facebook este un site web de tip rețea de socializare din Internet, creat de Mark Zuckerberg în 2004. Află mai multe despre istoria, funcționalitățile, controversele și impactul social al …
- People also ask
Facebook’s history: How the social media …
Feb 1, 2019 · Facebook was started by Mark Zuckerberg in a Harvard dorm. Now it's one of the world's most dominant companies.
List of Facebook features - Wikipedia
Learn about the software and technology features that can be found on the Facebook website and mobile app, such as News Feed, Friends, Wall, Timeline, and more. This article is part of a …
Facebook - Wikipedia
Facebook is a social media and social network service based in California, US. It was founded in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg and his Harvard classmates, and has over 2 billion monthly active …
Facebook – Wikipédia
A Facebook egy amerikai alapítású közösségi hálózat, amely 2004-ben kezdte meg működését. A világ legnagyobb ismeretségi hálózata, amely több mint 2 milliárd aktív felhasználót számlál, …
The History of Facebook and How It Was …
Jul 23, 2024 · Learn how Mark Zuckerberg and his Harvard classmates created the world's most popular social media network from a hacked photo-rating site. Explore the …
Facebook – Wikipedija
Facebook je internetska društvena mreža koju je 2004. godine osnovao Mark Zuckerberg, bivši student Harvarda. Na ovoj stranici možete pronaći informacije o povijesti, funkcioniranju, …
Messenger (software) - Wikipedia
Messenger, [11] also known as Facebook Messenger, is an American proprietary instant messaging service developed by Meta Platforms.Originally developed as Facebook Chat in …
Facebook - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
Facebook(簡稱FB),民間常译为臉書、脸谱、面簿。是源於美國的社群網路服務及社會化媒體 網站,總部位於美國加州 圣马特奥县 门洛帕克市。
Facebook - Wikipedia
Say Facebook et sakey a serbisyo na sosyal ya midya (social media) tan social networking ya kayarian na Amerkanon conglomerate na teknolohiya ya Meta .
Facebook - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Artículo sobre el servicio de redes sociales en línea estadounidense, fundado por Mark Zuckerberg en 2004. Conoce su historia, características, estadísticas, controversias y …
Facebook — Википедија
Facebook (транскр. Фејсбук ) јесте амерички друштвени медиј на мрежи и услуга друштвеног умрежавања у власништву компаније Meta Platforms .
Facebook - Wikiwand
Facebook is a social media and social networking service owned by the American technology conglomerate Meta. Created in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg with four other ...
Facebook – Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia
Artykuł o Facebooku, serwisie społecznościowym założonym przez Marka Zuckerberga i innych studentów Harvarda w 2004 roku. Zawiera informacje o historii, funkcjach, kontrowersjach i …
Meta | Social Metaverse Company
Meta (formerly the Facebook company) builds the future of human connection and the technology that makes it possible. We're moving beyond 2D screens and into immersive experiences like …
History of Facebook - Wikiwand
Oct 28, 2021 · On March 14, the Huffington Post reported that Facebook's PR agency had paid someone to tweak Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg's Wikipedia page, as well as adding a …
Facebook - Wikipedia
Facebook (in origine TheFacebook) è un social network lanciato il 4 febbraio 2004 da Mark Zuckerberg, inizialmente riservato agli studenti di Harvard ma successivamente esteso ad …
Фейсбук – Уикипедия
През 2010 г. Facebook отваря четвъртия си офис в Хайдарабад, който е първият за Азия. През 2010 г. социалната мрежа има повече от 750 милиона активни потребители в …
Facebook summary | Britannica
This web page is a summary of Facebook article from Britannica, not Wikipedia. It covers the history, features, and impact of Facebook, the largest social network in the world.