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Fabaceae - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Fabaceae is the scientific name of the Pea family, a large plant family with three subgroups: Caesalpinioideae, Mimosoideae and Faboideae. Learn about the characteristics, classification …
- Estimated Reading Time: 2 mins
List of Fabaceae genera - Wikipedia
A comprehensive list of about 794 genera in the plant family Fabaceae, also known as legumes, peas, or beans. The list is organized alphabetically and includes scientific names, synonyms, …
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list of plants in the family Fabaceae - Encyclopedia …
Mar 20, 2015 · Commonly known as the pea family, Fabaceae features about 670 genera and nearly 20,000 species of trees, shrubs, vines, and herbs. …
Faboideae - Wikipedia
The Faboideae are a subfamily of the flowering plant family Fabaceae or Leguminosae. An acceptable alternative name for the subfamily is Papilionoideae , or Papilionaceae when this …
- Estimated Reading Time: 6 mins
Category:Fabaceae - Wikipedia
Pages in category "Fabaceae" The following 34 pages are in this category, out of 34 total. This list may not reflect recent changes.
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Fabales - Wikipedia
Fabales is an order of flowering plants that includes the legumes (Fabaceae), milkworts (Polygalaceae), soap bark trees (Quillajaceae), and bay cedars (Surianaceae). Learn about its distribution, phylogeny, and classification …
Fabaceae | Legumes, Pulses, Peas
Fabaceae, which is the third largest family among the angiosperms after Orchidaceae (orchid family) and Asteraceae (aster family), consists of more than 700 genera and about …
Fabales | Plant Order | Britannica
Fabales, order of dicotyledonous flowering plants in the Rosid I group among the core eudicots. The order comprises 4 families (Fabaceae, Polygalaceae, Quillajaceae, and Surianaceae), …
Fabaceae - Wikipedia
Familia Fabaceae (numită și a leguminoaselor - Leguminosae sau Papilionaceae) este cea mai importantă familie din cadrul Ordinului Fabales. Importanța rezultă atat din numărul de specii, …
Fabaceae - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Las fabáceas (Fabaceae) o leguminosas (Leguminosae) [2] son una familia del orden de las fabales. Reúne árboles, arbustos y hierbas perennes o anuales, fácilmente reconocibles por su fruto tipo legumbre y sus hojas compuestas y …
Fabaceae - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
The Fabaceae or Leguminoseae is a family of flowering plants called legumes which are culturally and economically important plants due to their extraordinary diversity, abundance, medicinal …
Fabaceae - Wikipedia
The Fabaceae or Leguminosae [5] commonly kent as the legume, pea, or bean faimily, are a muckle an economically important faimily o flouerin plants.
Fabaceae - Wikispecies - Wikimedia
Feb 4, 2025 · The Callerya Group redefined and Tribe Wisterieae (Fabaceae) emended based on morphology and data from nuclear and chloroplast DNA sequences. PhytoKeys 125: 1–112. …
Fabales - Legumes, Pulses, Peas | Britannica
The subfamily Faboideae, also called Papilionoideae (classified as a family, Fabaceae or Papilionaceae, by some authorities), is the largest group of legumes, consisting of about 475 …
Fabaceae - Wikipedia
Fabaceae, Leguminosae ili Papilionaceae, odnosno mahunarke ili lepirnjače [4] obično poznate kao leguminoze, grašci ili porodica grahova – je velika i ekonomski značajna porodica …
legumes (Family Fabaceae) - iNaturalist
The Fabaceae or Papilionoideae, commonly known as the legume, pea, or bean family, is a large and economically important family of flowering plants. It includes trees, shrubs, and perennial …
Fabaceae - Wikiwand
Fabaceae is the most common family found in tropical rainforests and dry forests of the Americas and Africa. Recent molecular and morphological evidence supports the fact that the Fabaceae …
Fabaceae | Biology 343 – Plants and People - University of British ...
About 600 genera, 13,000 species, cosmopolitan. This large family contains many familiar foods: Arachis (peanut), Glycine (soybean), Lens (lentils), Medicago (alfalafa), Phaseolus (beans), …
Fabaceae - Wikipedia
Le Fabacee (Fabaceae Lindl., 1836) o Leguminose (nom. cons. [1]), o anche Papilionacee (da papilio = farfalla, per la forma del fiore), sono una famiglia di piante dicotiledoni dell'ordine …