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Enver Hoxha - Simple English Wikipedia, the free …
Enver Hoxha (16 October 1908 – 11 April 1985) was an Albanian politician who was dictator of Albania. Ideologically a communist, Hoxha served as prime …
- Estimated Reading Time: 2 mins
Bunkers in Albania - Wikipedia
From the end of World War II to his death in April 1985, Enver Hoxha pursued a style of politics informed by hardline Stalinism as well as elements of …
- Estimated Reading Time: 10 mins
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Enver Hoxha - Wikipedia, den frie encyklopædi
Enver Halil Hoxha (IPA /ɛnvɛɾ hɔʤa/; født 16. oktober 1908 i Gjirokastër, død 11. april 1985 i Tirana) var en albansk kommunistisk politiker. Han var formand i …
- Estimated Reading Time: 9 mins
Enver Hoxha - Wikipedija, prosta enciklopedija
Enver Halil Hoxha [envèr halìl hòdža], albanski politik, revolucionar in diktator, * 16. oktober 1908, Gjirokastra, Albanija (tedaj Osmansko cesarstvo), † 11. april …
- Estimated Reading Time: 10 mins
Enver Hoxha – Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre
Enver Halil Hoxha (Gjirokastër, 16 de outubro de 1908 – Tirana, 11 de abril de 1985) foi primeiro chefe do governo socialista da República Popular Socialista da Albânia, ao qual serviu por quatro décadas.
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Enver Hoxha – Wikipédia
Enver Hoxha (nevének ejtése ɛnvɛɾ hɔd͡ʒa, fonetikus átírással Enver Hodzsa; Gjirokastra, 1908. október 16. – Tirana, 1985. április 11.) albán politikus, a második világháború végétől négy …
Enver Hoxha - Wikipedia, a enciclopedia libre
Enver Halil Hoxha (ɛnˈvɛɾ ˈhɔdʒa (Escuchar) (axuda · info)), nado en Gjirokastra o 16 de outubro de 1908 e finado en Tirana o 11 de abril de 1985, foi un xefe de Estado e ditador albanés, …
Enver Hoxha - Wikipedia, kamusi elezo huru
Enver Halil Hoxha (/ˈhɔːdʒɑː/; [2] Kialbania: [ɛnˈvɛɾ ˈhɔdʒa] ⓘ; 16 Oktoba 1908 – 11 Aprili 1985) alikuwa mwanamapinduzi wa kikomunisti wa Albania na mwanasiasa ambaye alikuwa …
Enver Hoxha – Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia
Enver Hoxha (pol. również Enver Hodża, ur. 16 października 1908 w Gjirokastrze , zm. 11 kwietnia 1985 w Tiranie ) – albański działacz komunistyczny , w latach okupacji jeden z liderów ruchu oporu, od końca II wojny światowej aż do …
Enver Hoxha – Wikipedia
Das wiederaufgebaute Geburtshaus Enver Hoxhas im typischen osmanischen Stil ist heute das örtliche Ethnografische Museum. Hoxha wurde als Sohn einer wohlhabenden muslimischen Familie in der damals osmanischen Stadt …
Enver Hoxha | Communist Leader & Prime Minister of Albania
Feb 15, 2025 · Enver Hoxha was the first communist chief of state of Albania. As that country’s ruler for 40 years after World War II, he forced its transformation from a semifeudal relic of the …
អេនវើរ ហុកហា - វិគីភីឌា
ឪពុកម្តាយ(s) ហាលីល ហុកហា (ឪពុក), Gjylihan/Gjylo Hoxha née Çuçi (ម្តាយ) លំនៅដ្ឋាន
Diskutim:Enver Hoxha/Arkivi 1 - Wikipedia
Kjo faqe këtu është vetëm për diskutim mbi artikullin Enver Hoxha/Arkivi 1. Wikipedia nxit diskutimin mes vullnetarëve të saj dhe nuk do të censurojë komente bazuar në pikëpamjet …
Nexhmije Hoxha - Wikipedia, kamusi elezo huru
Nexhmije Hoxha (matamshi ya Kialbania: [nɛdʒˈmijɛ ˈhɔdʒa]; née Xhuglini; 8 Februari 1921 – 26 Februari 2020) alikuwa mwanasiasa wa Kikomunisti wa Albania. Alikuwa mke wa Enver …
Enver Hoxha - Wikiwand
Enver Halil Hoxha (/ ˈhɔːdʒɑː /; Albanian: [ɛnˈvɛɾ ˈhɔdʒa] ⓘ; 16 October 1908 – 11 April 1985) was an Albanian communist revolutionary and politician who was the leader of Albania from 1944 …
Enver Hoxha - Wikipedia
Enver Hoxha (16 tetor 1908 – 11 prill 1985) ka qenë politikan komunist shqiptar që drejtoi shtetin shqiptar nga viti 1944 deri në vdekjen e tij në vitin 1985.
Enver Hoxha - Biography
Enver Hoxha was an Albanian general, revolutionary and politician, supreme leader of Albania since the end of the Second World War.
Enver Hoxha - Wikipedia
Enver Halil Hoxha (pronooncit [ɛnˈvɛɾ ˈhɔdʒa] ; 16 October 1908 – 11 Aprile 1985) wis the leader o Albanie frae the end o Warld War II till his daith in 1985, as the First Secretary o the Party o …
Enver Hoxha - Encyclopedia.com
Jun 11, 2018 · Enver Hoxha (1908-1985) was the preeminent Alba nian political leader of the 20th century. He was the leader of the Communist Party of Albania from its formation in 1941 and …
Enver Hoxha — Wikipédia
Enver Hoxha (prononciation : / ɛ n ˈ v ɛ ɾ ˈ h ɔ d ʒ a / Écouter), également retranscrit en français sous l'orthographe phonétique Enver Hodja, né le 16 octobre 1908 [N 1] à Gjirokastër et mort …
Enver Hoxha - Wikiwand
Enver Hoxha was an Albanian communist politician who was the ruler of Albania from 1944 until his death in 1985. He was the First Secretary of the Party of Labour of Albania from 1941 until …
Hoxha, Enver (1908–1985) - Encyclopedia.com
Enver Hoxha, the undisputed leader of Albania until his death, headed the Party of Labor from its foundation as the Albanian Communist Party in 1941 until his death, and served as prime …
Enver Hoxha - Wikiwand
Enver Halil Hoxha (/ ˈhɔːdʒɑː /; Albanian: [ɛnˈvɛɾ ˈhɔdʒa] ⓘ; 16 October 1908 – 11 April 1985) was an Albanian communist revolutionary and politician who was the leader of Albania from 1944 …
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