English verbs wikipedia - Search
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  1. Inflected forms

    A regular English verb has only one principal part, from which all the forms of the verb can be derived. This is the base form or dictionary form. For example, from the base form exist, all the inflected forms of the verb (exist, exist… See more

    Syntactic constructions

    Besides the synthetic (inflected) forms described above, there are a number of periphrastic (multi-word) constructions with verb forms that serve to express tensed, aspectual or modal meanings; these constructio… See more

    Use of verb forms

    This section describes how the verb forms introduced in the preceding sections are used. More detail can be found in the article Uses of English verb forms and in the articles on the individual tenses and aspects. … See more

    Objects and complements

    Verbs are used in certain patterns which require the presence of specific arguments in the form of objects and other complements of particular types. (A given verb may be usable in one or more of these patterns.)
    A verb wit… See more

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