Cross section (physics) wikipedia - Search
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  1. Collision among gas particles

    In a gas of finite-sized particles there are collisions among particles that depend on their cross-sectional size. The … See more

    Attenuation of a beam of particles

    If a beam of particles enters a thin layer of material of thickness dz, the flux Φ of the beam will decrease by dΦ according to
    where σ is the total cross section of all events, including scattering, absorption, or transformat… See more

    Differential cross section

    Consider a classical measurement where a single particle is scattered off a single stationary target particle. Conventionally, a spherical coordinate system is used, with the target placed at the origin and the z axis of this coor… See more

    Quantum scattering

    In the time-independent formalism of quantum scattering, the initial wave function (before scattering) is taken to be a plane wave with definite momentum k:
    where z and r are the relative coordinates between th… See more

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