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  1. Domestic settings

    To go "undercover" (that is, to go on an undercover operation) is to avoid detection by the object of one's observation, and especially to disguise one's own identity (or use an assumed identity) for the purposes of gaining t… See more

    Black operations

    A black operation or "black ops" is a covert or clandestine operation by a government agency, a military unit or a paramilitary organization in which the operation itself is at least partially hidden from the organizatio… See more


    • In May 2007, ABC News, and later The Daily Telegraph, reported that United States president George W. Bush had authorized the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to undertake "black operations" in Iran in order to promote … See more

    See also

    America Undercover, television series
    Black project
    Bob Lambert, undercover police officer
    Central Intelligence AgencySee more

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