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History of cosmetics - Wikipedia
Learn about the origins and evolution of cosmetics in different cultures and regions, from ancient Egypt to modern times. …
- Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins
Cosmetic industry - Wikipedia
The cosmetic industry describes the industry that manufactures and distributes cosmetic products. These include colour cosmetics, like foundation and mascara, skincare such as moisturisers …
- Estimated Reading Time: 9 mins
Cosmetics - Simple English Wikipedia, the free …
Cosmetics are products used to make the human body look different. Often cosmetics are used to make someone more attractive to one person, or to a …
- Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins
The Estée Lauder Companies - Wikipedia
The Estée Lauder Companies Inc. (/ ˈ ɛ s t eɪ ˈ l ɔː d ər / EST-ay LAW-dər; stylized as ESTĒE LAUDER) is an American multinational cosmetics company, a manufacturer and marketer of makeup, skincare, perfume, and hair care …
Ingredients of cosmetics - Wikipedia
Learn about the history, sources, and types of cosmetics ingredients, from ancient times to modern formulas. Find out how colors, pearlescence, and fragrances are created and used in various cosmetic products.
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NARS Cosmetics - Wikipedia
NARS Cosmetics is a French cosmetics and skin care company founded by make-up artist and photographer François Nars in 1994. The cosmetics line began with twelve lipsticks sold at …
Vineeta Singh - Wikipedia
Vineeta Singh (born 1983) is an Indian entrepreneur and CEO, co-founder of Sugar Cosmetics. She has been a Shark (i.e. judge/investor) on the business reality TV show Shark Tank India …
Cosmética - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
La ciencia cosmética o cosmetología es una disciplina que estudia la acción y los efectos de los cosméticos y determina las normas generales de su uso práctico. Abarca diferentes áreas …
Cosmétique — Wikipédia
Les cosmétiques, issus du grec kosmeo signifiant « je pare, j'orne », englobent une vaste gamme de produits destinés à embellir, protéger ou modifier l'apparence des parties superficielles du …
Cosmetică - Wikipedia
Cosmetica (greacă κοσμετικός kosmetikós - aranja, împodobi) este arta și practica îngrijirii, păstrării și înfrumusețării corpului uman, în special a feței și a părului. Ele sunt, în general, …
Cosmético - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Los cosméticos (también, productos de belleza) son preparaciones de uso externo constituidas por sustancias naturales o sintéticas o sus mezclas que se utilizan en la piel, las uñas, la …
Tira (cosmetics) - Wikipedia
In October 2022, Business Standard reported that Reliance Retail was planning to launch a beauty platform under the name ‘Tira Beauty’. [7] [8] The name tira was inspired by the …
Cosmesi - Wikipedia
La cosmesi (o cosmetica) rappresenta l'insieme di attività, tecniche e arti relative al cosmetico o, per estensione, a ciò che migliora la piacevolezza, l'apparenza e l'estetica. La parola viene dal …
Козметика — Википедија
Козметика се односи на супстанце чији је циљ побољшавање или заштита изгледа или мириса људског тијела. Такође постоји посебна врста козметике која је доступна у …
Cosmetica - Wikipedia
Cosmetica is een verzamelnaam voor middelen ter verhoging van de hygiëne, lichamelijke reinheid en het uiterlijk schoon. Ze zijn onderdeel van het dagelijks leven en worden op …
Aqua Tofana - Wikipedia
Poison "Manna di San Nicola" (Aqua Tofana), by Pierre Méjanel.. Aqua Tofana (also known as Acqua Toffana and Aqua Tufania and Manna di San Nicola) was a strong, arsenic-based …
Kosmetiikka – Wikipedia
Kosmetiikkaa (kreikan sanasta κόσμος kosmos 'maailma', 'koriste' [1]) ovat hoitoaineet, joita käytetään kehon ulkoisiin osiin, kuten ihoon, hiuksiin ja ihokarvoihin, kynsiin, huuliin, ulkoisiin …
The Best Maxis Match Makeup Designers To Know In 2025!
3 days ago · Time to doll up those sims with our favorite Maxis Match makeup artists! It’s amazing what you can do with Maxis Match makeup! A few skin details and some cosmetic flourishes …
化妝品 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
化妆品,是除了简单的清洁用品以外,被用来提升人体外貌美丽程度的物质。 化妆品的使用起源相當早且普遍,特别是有一定经济基础的人會經常使用。 广义上,化妆品还包括 护肤品。 护肤 …
NARS Cosmetics – Wikipedia tiếng Việt
NARS Cosmetics là một công ty mỹ phẩm của Pháp được thành lập bởi nghệ sĩ trang điểm và nhiếp ảnh gia François Nars vào năm 1994. Dòng mỹ phẩm bắt đầu với mười hai thỏi son …
CYRAX Collection | Valorant Wiki | Fandom
The CYRAX Collection is a collection of cosmetics in VALORANT. Its contents were initially available to be obtained when the collection was first released as a bundle in the Store. After …
Legend (1985 film) - Wikipedia
Legend is a 1985 American epic dark fantasy adventure film directed by Ridley Scott, written by William Hjortsberg, and starring Tom Cruise, Mia Sara, Tim Curry, David Bennent, Alice …
Waylay | Valorant Wiki | Fandom
Waylay is an Agent in VALORANT and the eighth Duelist added to the game. The following are cosmetics related to Waylay from Agent Gear and from other sources (e.g. Battle Pass). More …