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  1. 13 Most Famous Paintings by Claude Monet You …

    • Learn about the 13 most famous paintings by Claude Monet, the father of impressionism. See his masterpieces of water lilies, sunrises, haystacks, poppies, and more in Paris museums.… See more

    Water Lilies

    Water Liliesis one of Claude Monet’s best paintings and the most famous which he worked on for 30 years before his death. In 1893, Monet bought a piece of land in front of his hous… See more

    Dreams in Paris
    Impression, Sunrise

    Impression, Sunriseis another one of Claude Monet’s most famous paintings, if not the most famous! The painting depicts the port of Le Havre which was Monet’s hometown. … See more

    Dreams in Paris

    Monet is known for painting the same subject matter in different settings and Haystacksis one of them. When Monet saw his farmer neighbor’s stack of hay and how they chang… See more

    Dreams in Paris
    Wild Poppies Near Argenteuil

    Painted in 1873, Wild Poppies near Argenteuilcaptures a beautiful summer scene in a field of poppies near Monet’s home in Argenteuil, France, a place he settled in af… See more

    Dreams in Paris
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