Ceremonial use of lights wikipedia - Search
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  1. Ancient Greece and Rome

    The Greeks and Romans, too, had their sacred fire and their ceremonial lights. In Greece the Lampadedromia or Lampadephoria (torch-race) had its origin in Greek ceremonies, connected with the relighting o… See more


    In Christianity, from the very first, fire and light are conceived as symbols, if not as visible manifestations, of the divine nature and the divine presence. Christ is the true Light, and at his transfiguration the fashion Christian o… See more

    Usage in Hinduism

    In almost all Hindu homes, lamps are lit daily, sometimes before an altar. In some houses, oil lamps or candles are lit at dawn, in some houses they are lit at both dawn and dusk, and in a few, lamps are maintained … See more

    Usage in Sikhism

    Lamps are lit in Sikhism on Diwali, the festival of light, as well as being lit everyday by followers of Dharmic religions. See more

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