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Caracas - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Caracas es la capital federal y ciudad más poblada de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela. 5 Desde el siglo XIX, ha sido el epicentro del poder político del país. 6 Se encuentra en la …
- Estimated Reading Time: 8 mins
Caracas - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Caracas is the capital city of Venezuela. Santiago de León de Caracas was founded by Diego de Losada in 1567. It is where Simon Bolivar was born. The city has nearly 6 million people, who …
- Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins
Caracas | Map, History, Population, Climate, & Facts | Britannica
Timeline of Caracas - Wikipedia
The following is a timeline of the history of the city of Caracas, Venezuela. 1577 – Town becomes capital of Venezuela Province, Spanish Empire. [4] 1584 – St. George's Cathedral, Caracas …
- Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins
Landmarks of Caracas - Wikipedia
Caracas is the capital and largest city of Venezuela. The Paseo Los Próceres is a monument located near Fort Tiuna and the Military Academy of the Bolivarian Army. On the promenade …
Caracas - Wikipedia
Caracas ([kaˈɾakas]; nome ufficiale Santiago de León de Caracas) è la capitale del Venezuela. Si trova nella zona centro-settentrionale del Paese, a 9 chilometri dal Mare Caraibico, dal quale è …
- People also ask
University City of Caracas - Wikipedia
The University City of Caracas (Spanish: Ciudad Universitaria de Caracas), also known by the acronym CUC, is the main campus of the Central University of Venezuela (UCV), located in …
Caracas - Wikipedia
Santiago de León de Caracas cunoscut simplu cu numele de Caracas este capitala și centrul politic, administrativ, comercial, financiar și cultural al Venezuelei. Orașul este situat în nordul …
Caracas - Wikipedia, den frie encyklopædi
Caracas er Venezuelas hovedstad og største by med ca. 4,6 millioner indbyggere. Byen er placeret i den nordligste part af landet nær det caribiske hav, beliggende i en bjergdal. Det …
Metropolitan Region of Caracas - Wikipedia
7 rows · Metropolitan Region of Caracas (MRC) or Greater Caracas (GC) (Spanish: Región Metropolitana de Caracas; RMC or Gran Caracas; GC) is the urban agglomeration comprising …
Metro de Caracas - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Metro de Caracas es el sistema de transporte que sirve a la ciudad de Caracas y a su área metropolitana, cuenta con varios modelos de trenes.Está integrado por un sistema de …
Caracas – Travel guide at Wikivoyage
Caracas is the capital and largest city of Venezuela, in northern Venezuela, near the Caribbean. Venezuela’s urban spirit can be discovered mainly from understanding Caracas, its capital …
Caracas - Wikipedia
Caracas (uitspraak: [karákas], dus met de klemtoon op de middelste lettergreep) is de hoofdstad van Venezuela. Caracas is gelegen in het noorden van het land, dicht bij de Caraïbische Zee. …
Caracas - Wikipedia
Caracas grew in economic importance durin Venezuela's ile boom in the early 20t century. Durin the 1950s, Caracas began an intensive modrenization program which continued throuoot the …
Caracas - Wikitravel
Dec 25, 2023 · Caracas is the capital and largest city of Venezuela. It is located in northern Venezuela, near the Caribbean. Venezuela’s urban spirit can be discovered mainly from …
Caracas - New World Encyclopedia
Caracas (pronounced [kaˈɾakas]) is the capital and largest city of Venezuela, and one of the principal cities of South America. It is the country's leading center of education, culture, …
Caracas - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Wikinews
Caracas (/kəˈrækəs, -ˈrɑːk-/, Spanish: [kaˈɾakas]), officially Santiago de León de Caracas, abbreviated as CCS, is the capital and largest city of Venezuela, and the center of the …
Caracas - Wikiwand
Caracas, officially Santiago de León de Caracas (CCS), is the capital and largest city of Venezuela, and the center of the Metropolitan Region of Caracas. Caracas is located along …
Caracas - Wikiwand
Caracas (/ kəˈrækəs, - ˈrɑːk -/ kə-RA (H)K-əs, Spanish: [kaˈɾakas]), officially Santiago de León de Caracas (CCS), is the capital and largest city of Venezuela, and the center of the Metropolitan …
Caracas - Wikimedia Commons
Nov 8, 2024 · 日本語: カラカス はベネズエラの首都である。 Parroquia " San José " de Caracas.
Caracas - Wikiwand
Caracas is the capital city of Venezuela. Santiago de León de Caracas was founded by Diego de Losada in 1567. It is where Simon Bolivar was born. The city has nearly 6 million people, who …